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Recently I made a poll to know what kind of content you wants. So, these are the results. Remember that you only have 3 options:
  • 1- I'm not interest (no)
  • 2- I do not care
  • 3- I want more (yes)


I think the Fanart is the big loser in this poll.

I can see two stages here. At the beginning, I showed the poll only to the patrons, and many voted the "1" option "I'm not interest". I was very surprised, because I started with the idea that everyone on Internet only want to see fanart. But my patrons said they want to see other types of content in my art.

Second stage, when I showed the poll in Deviantart, Tumblr, etc. The 3rd option raised to finish in first position. For me that means that people want fanart, but my followers want to see other things.


Here, basically I was surprised by options 1 and 3. The 50% chose the second option, they was like "commissions? well, is good for you if you get money".

10% chose the first option. I interpret it as "I don't like commissions because I want to see your OCs, Fanart, etc. I don't want to see the OCs of other people"

And the 40% chose the last option. I think that means a lot of people want a commission... but nobody are asking for it XD. So, they want free commissions or more cheap XDD


Definitely, this is the biggest winner... 90% of votes... I will not to say anything, the chart says all... "Internet if for porn"

And I'm also surprised because 1 guy said "no" XD


I said that everyone just want fanart, and 34 people voted that in the first poll, but here, 57 clear voices said, more OCs!!!

And I'm surprise by the 4 people who do not want OCs... I mean, really? that is my main content, right?

5% No, 22% Not care, 73% Yes 

Comic (Born of Itheriont)

I will be selfish on this poll. I will ignore the 10% that don't want the comic. I will do that project, incluso if the 90% said no... but I'm happy to see that the 60% want to see more about the comic! Thanks!!

What do you LIKE more?

For me this question (and the next one) are the most important in the poll. At the beginning, those questions are not included, but I could quickly see that all the previous answers were to going to say "we want more of everything". So I needed be more radical. Here, you only choose ONE theme. In words of Isaac Berry (a patron):

 "I spent like ten minutes on the last one because I don't hate any of them... xD"

Well, on this question, we can confirm that the winning theme if the NSFW, and secondly the comic (yay!). Very few chose as favorite the fanart and the commissions.

What do you HATE more?

And here, we can see exactly the opposite of the previous poll, the biggest losers are the Fanart and the Commissions, (and only one person hates the NSFW... XD)



I need to focus more on doing NSFW and OC (comics, pics, etc.) and only doing fanart and commissions eventually.

Thank you all for answering the survey!