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I wrote this as a caption to a photo that would very likely not be within Patreon's content guidelines. Sorry for the censorship... I posted it in the nsfw-caption-corner channel on a Discord server, but I'm not allowed to tell you which one, again according to Patreon's content guidelines. Again, sorry for the censorship... It's not like you've been denied some literary masterpiece, but it's just a tiny little bit sad I can't put all the stuff in one place in a convenient way.

He woke up to a dull headache. He had no recollection of even going to bed. He was winding down on some porn site, that's the last thing he could remember. He reached out and grabbed the phone. It was still dark outside, and he didn't usually wake up before the alarm, if even then. 4:41 is said. Fuck! The battery was down to 13%. He must have crashed hard to not even remember to plug it in. Wait. Why is it that low to begin with? He would usually not go below 50% on a day. He unlocked the phone and opened the energy view. The browser and camera app came out on top. There was a new tab open in the browser, with a discord login screen. He furrowed his brow. He didn't have an account. He switched over to the album app, and couldn't believe what he saw. Photo after photo and video after video of him masturbating. With his hands, with a sock, with an orange, with his fleshlight. He made a sudden realization and felt his groin with his hand. It was shaved smooth. He suspected that whatever had happened wasn't the end of it. 


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