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When joining the ME fandom, I have been sadly disappointed how little love krogan got in terms of art and attention. Before the purge on tumblr it was mostly sexual related and it got creepy. And don't get me started on the racist discussions people had on the genophage OOF

Turian and asari were the most popular when it came to art, and when it came to character couples with OCs or people's own Shepards! 

These two couples were two krogan/oc couples I came across. The first were two kind and fun players in MERP who had a human woman named Maben who studied to be a xeno-ornithologist and she met a krogan named Bentack who had an interest in history and loved pancakes! I remember their chemistry was adorable and both players were super nice and cool.

The second couple were former players on CDN. The woman was retired_biotic and the krogan was her husband named Hook. He helped her raise her son, Xavier.  She was cool OOC and IC was very sweet and motherly to Branka <3

I joke that while turians, asari and such are aliens, krogan fit the definition of a monster with their very non humanoid shapes. And props to all the monster lovers/effers out there XD



S.J. Slays

These are so cute 🥲 muh heart