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Short Stack Showdown




Tanou you madlad, they did the idea 🤝 Now: Who are y'all rootin for


ooooh this is a surprisingly juicy combination, hope to see more of it

Pilot Night

YEAHHHHHHH followup def needed


If SS has the ability to shortstack people, I would love to see her afflict many other characters ...


Ss flipped Shimomo switch, can't wait to see the end.


I wanna see a story line with them


Shimomo obviously. My all time favorite. I appreciate giving the idea but I honestly think I should pay for some of hataraki-ari sensei's work, I have the impression that he does commissions for free


I understand ya, Shimomo is a pretty cool character. And honestly same sentiment here with commissioning them some time. I wanna try and support em some time by paying for an illustration


I already tried through skeb but I made a mistake when requesting it, I violated the user terms. Since I don't know if I can do it via patreon I'm disappointed 😞


Rough shortstack breeding sex incoming!


Ah damn man, I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe they'll understand your situation and work something out DMs may be a little tricky though since I've seen some users go into the comments on patreon to ask them something regarding commissions or something else here and there


Please give this one a long story line!!!!!


Yesss, would die to see SS used by Shimomo or Taihou

Bryan Davis

So is shortstack Shimomo her regular form or something. Like when she gets horny and turns big. I'm kinda confused


from what i understand she is the equivalent of Small Mario. when Shimomo takes too much damage or loses too much stamina shes turns to Small Shimomo


In her debut illustration the caption is, "Shimomo in power conservation." It's essentially just a form where she can save up her power (and other physical attributes I presume). Using prior animations featuring Shortstack Shimomo as context, Shimomo can toggle this form and her regular form at anytime she wishes.

Bossack Chadman

Can you draw Shimomo repeatedly punching Sukimi in the tits, please? References: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EGljTllU4AEHYFU?format=jpg&name=medium https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SC_-0rThkiY/UGmDroZ40DI/AAAAAAAAAew/DZmSn6fngLs/s1600/0063_with_teaser.jpg https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-glTHsBnlv4M/UGS_nFQ0SUI/AAAAAAAAAeA/sc1Mr57r9qw/s1600/0062_with_teaser.jpg https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zrPbUz3bygc/Tq17fUnXnYI/AAAAAAAAAOA/q_nszbiHCFM/s1600/0009_with_teaser.jpg https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_BOU2lJ6av8/TmzuBjkllfI/AAAAAAAAAFw/8BbzdLVSflM/s1600/sfx_art.jpg https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LSJOaZXf_js/UI4A3yiRXcI/AAAAAAAAAro/nz1lGcO9hZQ/s1600/chest_shot_02.jpg


Can we get a short stack version of "shimomo's night" with SS instead of sukimi? Their missionary would be amazing!