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Gonna do a poll about the sub vs dub, go vote!













Sub only for the subtitles but dub is better


I like dub better, but choose whatever you guys prefer


So how much fmab episodes a week did they say they were doing again?




I've seen it Dub a dozen times. I'll gladly watch it sub here!


Prefer dub because of some characters yet to be introduced. Agreed that Ed's voice is better in sub though.


Fun fact Hughes in the Sub is the same voice actor for Leorio. Great voice actor one of the best!

keyton bush

Fun fact, Ed is voiced by Hange’s va in the sub.

Alex Ramirez

Alchemy is science, you destroy something and reconstruct it, however, you need to know how that object is constructed (it gets way more complicated for people like Colonel Mustang's fire). For example water is H2O and you can either reconstruct it into another compound like hydrogen gas/oxygen gas or any other possible combinations (H2O2) with only a transmutation circle. That is why alchemists have a high rank in the military and why people are surprised that the Elric brothers are alchemists at a young age.


Dub please the voice acting is stellar and this is coming from a sub lover.

Nazerke K

Will be HxH uploading today?




man what a brain dead villain.


Just subbed to the Patreon to see y'all reacting to one of my favorite anime oat:) hope you enjoy!!!


Fun fact: The voice actor for Ed also voiced as Hange from Aot!


An alchemist needs to have a in-depth understanding of the structure and properties of what they’re trying to transmute - everything down to the atomic level. They also need to know how to control and manipulate the components (i.e. atoms, chemical bonds) that make up these materials with precision. Hence you will see some Alchemists that specialise in certain areas, such as Roy’s flame alchemy. The Law of Equivalent Exchange follows the Law of Conservation of Mass. You cannot create something out of nothing, nor can you turn something into another e.g. carbon (C) cannot become gold (Au). But you can change it’s form, so long as the constituent elements are the same. This is why Ed was initially surprised that the Priest could transmute a mini statue out of nothing. This is also why you see material from Ed’s surroundings “disappear” when he transmutes an object, like the spear from the ground. There are limits to Alchemy, which is why the Philosopher’s Stone is so coveted.


oh thank god I thought this scene was gunna be uncomfy but i guess i was remembering the original one (please don't watch it its kinda traumatizing)


I remember rose was SA'd (don't remember the scene so its either said or implied) and gives birth to a baby due to that event. After this Ed tries to talk to her but it's said that she became mute. I really didn't like this which made me put off brotherhood for a while.


you guys know that the voice actor for Edward aka Fullmetal Alchemist is the same voice actor for Hanjie from AOT right?

Asbjørn Kennedy

FMA was adapted while the manga was still ongoing, and it ended up going in its own direction once it caught up, which happened fairly early. FMAB’s final episode happened around the same time as the manga was completed, and was intended to be a more faithful adaptation of the manga. Since the beginning of both series is adapted from the same material, Brotherhood was adapted with a faster pacing until the two shows “split”, probably due to the assumption that a big chunk of the audience watched the first show and they didnt want it to be 1:1. For context this corresponds to around episode 26 of the original and episode 10 of brotherhood iirc, so you wont have to wait long until the two shows goes in different directions. Dont worry though, it is absolutely perfectly fine to watch brotherhood on its own, personally I actually kind of like the somewhat crazy pacing and the confusion of not knowing half the things the characters are referencing in the early episodes, like the concepts of alchemy and the various conflicts. Very excited to rewatch it with you guys!


ok but talk about how real this episode is for a second. a scientist trying to fight a religious figure who prays on the desperation of others and promises the impossible. This happens so often to people in such despair who cannot accept their current reality, being taken into what are basically cults by people who promise they can change that reality

jordan solomon

one of the only reasons i enjoy the sub remotely as much as i do is because Ed’s voice actor being the same as Hange’s however, over all the dub has far superior voice acting. like cannon said in episode 2, the moms voice acting wasn’t that great however that’s pretty much all we hear of her so small characters like that should be null and void anyway. there’s only a handful of voice actors in the sub who i feel have it their all while in the dub the vast majority or the cast put their whole hearts and souls into these scenes. there are future scenes with Mustang that just blow my mind in english!!! so if you guys do inevitably pick sub, i say give some scenes a shot in dub once you finish the anime. in episode 2, the scene of Ed bringing Al back sends chills throughout my whole body when i hear Ed’s english voice actor screaming in agony after losing his little brother. i guess i just wish réaction channels in general would give more dubs a chance because it’s someone’s career and talent that is constantly getting shit on by people that PREACH the sub. not necessarily saying you guys do that! just speaking in general. english voice actors don’t get nearly enough credit for their talents. if there’s any 1 show you guys watch in dub, it should 100% be this one!!!! okay Jor tangent over😅😅😅


Can’t wait for the next one 👀

Mysterious Figure

Every time I see that scene of them trying to bring back their mom and lose their bodies it makes me emotional. I've seen it so many times too.


Completely agree, and a lot of people like his sub voice actress and not that I have anything against her but maybe because I hear too much Hange in her I can’t help but feel like Edward always sounds like a women instead of a boy. Also Roy Mustang is just so much cooler in dub.

jordan solomon

yes!!! all i really hear is hange and it doesn’t help that this is a show heavily based off of science and hange is a scientist🤷🏼‍♀️ i also agree that Roy is just so much cooler in dub. i respect his authority more in dub if that makes sense


I appreciate the sub but I do wish you guys watched the dub, it just hits emotionally different with native speaking voice actors. 98% of shows I have sub>dub bur for this show I just always prefer dub. Bless up tho boys whichever you feel is best and content we will still be here

spring deerling

I can't wait till you guys find out more and I can info dump, my autistic ass is vibrating with K N O W L E D G E. The original FMA anime came out before the manga was finished so they made their own story line. I watched it after watching FMAB and it's not nearly as satisfying imo. They did some cool things and had some interesting ideas but it just doesn't hit as good as FMAB. I got incredibly attached to this story early on as a kid like I did FF7 because I connect it with the passing of my father. I felt like I would've done the same as the elrics if I could. There's nothing I could've done about my dad's death but I was 9 and blamed myself for not doing something and would give anything to have had him back. He was in his early 30s and I think the elrics mom was in her mid 20s? So sad. I love the themes of life and death and greif and mourning in FMAB and ff7. There's way more I could go on about w themes in FMAB but we haven't gotten even close to some of the best parts

spring deerling

Those marks you guys notice from when they were broken apart are just visual marks from when alchemic reactions are perfomed

spring deerling

People playing god is obviously another big theme so far in the show. Ed was an asshole to rose because he saw himself in her, how he tried to play god and failed and how he knew it wasn't possible. He didn't want to see her keep falling down that pit of grief that wouldn't have a true end because she'd just keep hoping for something that wouldn't happen, being manipulated by a crazy asshole who pretended to do things in the name of god for power. I hadn't been taught anything at the time but when my dad did die I was questioning god, I was sad and angry and was wondering what I did wrong to deserve it, or what my dad did to deserve it. It hits home, it's hard but I love how despite him doing it in his asshole punkass kid way, Ed still tries to encourage rose to keep living for herself. I don't think there's actually fakes in terms of philosophers stones. And the truth is just the truth. :) the sephiroth stuff markings on eds door never gets explained, I'm p sure people looked into it on their own, doors are just representations of the people who opened them. I don't want anyone to think the show is bashing religion, more like it's trying to say that people shouldn't play god in general.

spring deerling


spring deerling

"this show does end" most satisfying end I DONT CARE IF I LOOK CRAZY IN THE COMMENTS. I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH


I'm not a native english speaker, so it's japanese all the way for me, even though english dub's done an ok job.


FMAB is a slow ride, you'll probably start enjoying it a lot more within the next episodes and end up loving it later, that's my guess. It's just an all around great show, very well written.


Code Geass absolutely obliterates FMBA ending but it's still top 3 just not the GOAT


I had the split experience of watching the first 4 seasons dubbed, and then switched to sub for the rest since it hadn’t been dubbed or released yet. Oddly for me the transition to the sub was almost seamless and the character performances felt on par. I will say though, for when I’m watching in the background, dub. If I’m watching to seriously sit and watch, sub all the way. But both are equally enjoyable, it’s all about personal preference.