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NOTE: This episode has a lot of very mature themes and scenes in it! A very sad episode...



i started dying with Brig implied how Frank might want to take Bill's juicy lifestyle and then they all just started talking how juicy Bill's life has been lmao


Y'all ignore anyone who's hating on y'all for watching something else in your spare time. I'm glad y'all are enjoying watching this as well as AoT. Watching another anime right now might take away from AoT but this show is removed enough that it doesn't detract from your other experience. I thought this episode was beautiful and does what a good adaptation should: expand on the story. It's why House of the Dragon is so good so far. People who are complaining about it not matching exactly aren't appreciating what taking a story into a different medium can do.


This episode gets better and better every time I watch it, and ya'll are a great watch party. First Patreon I've ever paid for and probably will be the only one lol.


Their (Bill and Frank's) story is so sad and depressing in the game, I'm so glad they made this change even though the show stays so true to the source material in most other ways.


Such a beautiful episode! <3 Rewatching this with y'all was a great way to spend a lazy Saturday morning.


"a juicy nap before I part"-Brig


If you guys are watching on HBO app (idk if it’s also included in the regular channel) they actually have these shorts interviews at the end with the directors and etc about the episode. It’s really interesting to hear their creative processes and how they got the original story developers or something on their team to help guide them and help with their character designs and etc. The director for this episode explained that they wanted to follow the game as closely as possible but take advantage of areas in the plot that they could expand on, like the story of Bill and Frank. This was completely different in the game but they got the go ahead from the original game developers and I think they said their goal was to make people cry this episode? Which they certainly did! I was crying so hard the first time I watched it! On ep 2 they also had the original game designers come in and help design the infected and the actors who played as the infected were avid The Last of Us fans and even played the games so they were able to get the mannerisms down to a T! Anyways I’m so happy you guys reacted to this! I was actually excited for this episode to come out!


There's a show on netflix called Dark, the first season is probably the best season of any show I've ever seen, 10/10 acting and scriptwriting. Supernatural is another good one, but it's a bit long and falls off after the sixth season or so.


Been watching along with you guys, played the game awhile back, there are a few differences in the story, and honestly it's just enough to be extremely refreshing. Everything about the show so far has been nothing less than stellar, really loved this episode, pulled the heartstrings more than I expected it to. Bella has also been growing on me as Ellie, didn't really like her at first, but she fits the role very well.


wow finally got round to watching this, what an incredible episode! watched this while catching up on my biology work and ended up crying all over my notebook. didn't expect such an emotional episode, cant wait for the next one!


Where do you guys live to be able to left your keys INSIDE your car without it being stolen👁️👄👁️ Montreal could never🥲

Music is Heart

Bro I just realized. They talked about how the fungus got into the flour and sugar supply, and spread across the world in a matter of days. And the old lady in the first episode that got infected , if you remember they were feeding her biscuits the morning of and had offered Joel and Sarah a bite.


Joel definitely had feelings for Tess, their relationship is different in the game and it’s a lot more obvious how he feels and Ellie does try to say she’s sorry about what happened to her but at that point Joel just wants to move past it and not think about the loss