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Last one for the night! Will probably post more tomorrow but we will see! Thank you guys for all the comments, we love reading them all!! 

EDIT: we are on season 4 episode 7:)



even if they divide the injection into two, they still only have 1 titan shifter to eat, so they can only turn 1 of them back into human/titan shifter


I love how AoT makes you just forget about the main plot point of the first three seasons, genius writing by Isayama.


Erwin is also my favorite character, I sobbed. Everytime his speech shows up on my timeline I have to either scroll past or accept that I'm going to cry lol loved the reaction.


So Carter, do you still think that Arcane is better than AOT?


Such a masterpiece


You're the first Patreon I've ever subbed to, and now I know it was the right choice. Fantastic react <3


Which episode are you guys on IRL? 👀


The moment Cannon said that Erwin was his favorite back in the old reactions I was like oh boy... that boy is gonna be in shambles and he did


New patreon here. When do they release the new batch of eps usually?


they start uploading on fridays for the weekend!


"Albert Einstein couldn't guess this plot." Guess Filmbuff is smarter than Einstein, lmao.

Brittney Wright

Man when I finished the manga I had an existential crisis for like 3 days..... Season 4 is such a freaking trip... Like you guys are so right and also so wrong all at the same time.

Music is Heart

Also imagine trying to get recruits now, they came back with no one alive, it’s gonna be even harder to get people to fight


Same! I cried, so hard for like an hr. I was never the same. AOT is truly a masterpiece.


Damn, getting the patreon version of these videos was worth it


any season 4 AOT today?

Stanley Labissiere

A lot of people don't understand (and maybe I'm wrong), but the main reason Levi chose Armin over Erwin is because what they were drunk on would lead them in different paths. Erwin's sole purpose was to find the truth. Beyond that, he did not care of want more. Armin's purpose was to find the sea and confirm what all the things he dreamed of were real. But beyond that, he wanted to know what was there and keep going. On top of that, Armin WILLINGLY gave up his dream for the sake of victory whereas Erwin had to be persuaded/forced by Levi. What a f***ing show.

rac coun

Isn't Erwin like ten years older then Zeke? Wasn't his dad like 45, when when Erwin was a kid? Do Carter and Cannon only see blonde and beard and think, they have to be the same person?


New episodes when??

Ben Crawford

I agree! I wanted it to be Erwin, but the show did a great job of making both options make sense.


I really hope that season 4 might soften you guys a bit towards Reiner and Bertholdt ;-; Idk, I never really hated them so I'm not sure how much my perspective changed throughout witnessing their backgrounds. Full disclosure though since yall are getting through season 4- Reiner is definitely my favorite character.


I agree, even from the beginning I never could hate Reiner because I didn’t know anything about him, anytime we would see his mental state slip, (like when he murdered Marco) it just made me super curious as to why he was doing all this.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ik when they were talking about it I was like with their ages it wouldn’t add up, Erwin’s dad looked at least 30 and that was about 20 years ago. That would make him close to 50. I don’t think zeke looks 50


Erwin became like this not for humanity, it’s only to prove that his father was right. He became a great leader and sacrificed all the soldiers only to prove that. But Armin’s ambition is beyond that. and his plans are genius and less lose. And Levi realized that.

Sean Fuller

Your explanation Is pretty much spot on. But I'd anything would turn out different if Erwin lived?


@11:09 "I hate Reiner" bro I'm not convinced you guys have actually watched the whole show. I legit can't tell if you guys are just acting or have the same feelings as what I'd expect people who haven't seen Season 4 to have. Some of the comments to situations from the other 3 are wild like none of you have future show knowledge or understand context presented in Season 4.


dude and on top of that, Erwin's dad wasn't even blonde, he has light brown hair, Erwin is blonde. And more convincingly Erwin's dad was a conspiracy theorist about the walls, humanity, the king, and the secrets of the world. Zeke knows next to NOTHING about what the hell is going on within the walls, and didn't even know what the hell ODM gear was. People that think Zeke is Erwin's dad literally don't think past the point of "both blonde-ish with beard and glasses, must be same person". It's so ridiculous lol. And Erwin's dad would be pretty old at this point.


*facepalm* so either you missed the look he has given atleast 30 times when something is happening or when someone, including him has made a comment. Also, i have watched the entire show multiple times since premier 10 years ago and i still hate certain characters or like them at that point in the show even knowing how they are later. Ex. Eren 1st season vs current. Gabi after Sasha vs...nvm i still hate her for killing Spuds but i hope you get the gist of what i'm saying. In THIS episode, ya F Reiner just like everytime you watch S2E6-7. He's one of my favorites overall but F him at certain early points lol. Plus they can only say whats not going to tip off Cannon and Carter is the biggest reason so they are only saying things relevant to what you know as of the episode they are on. cant say "Dude, i love Reiner"..

Kiyoshi Kenshin



Rewatching this and seeing Carter and cannons only arguement for saving Erwin was that he is the commander even though we would’ve never gotten to this point without Armin. It makes me giggle


huh? you might want to rewatch the show if you think Erwin did nothing to get them there.

Violet Fewins

I find it funny how much you guys wanted them to pick Erwin, both very valid choices but I was the complete opposite screaming to give it to Armin just because I couldn't accept his death haha