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Season 3 will start being posted this Friday! Cant wait to hear all your thoughts on our review!



Just FYI you forgot to put the Attack on titan tag for ep 23 post on here

Julio Salazar

Season 3 hands down will be the season that makes your jaw drop. I rewatched S1-S2 after S3. It’s all connected. Can’t wait for you to reach THE EPISODE this season.




Not sure if anyone else has answered your question about Eren not being able to transform to save Hannes but this quote from the wiki explains it well. "The ability to transform into a Titan can be hindered by injuries inflicted on the human body. A human can transform into a Titan with injuries as severe as a missing limb, but only if a previous transformation has not occurred recently. If a human emerges from their Titan form and receives severe injury, this person cannot transform into a Titan again until said injuries have healed."


Just wanted to add that the warrior episode is only ranked 11th place on IMDB there is more to come😂✌️


I agree with you guys regarding ymir and historia, i think historia arc was by far the weakest one on the show, i dont know why, but to me she is a very boring character, maybe she has more development in the manga, but in the anime she is just a little boring compared to other arcs and characters


i think it's harder to understand ymir and like her without understanding the show as a whole. Her face when bertholdt screams someone come find us was heartbreaking. She understands them.... and thats why she left with them.

Nick K

It definitely makes sense in context. Eren had last transformed during the fight draining his energy, and then his energy was put to work recovering his limbs afterwards, so he really had no time to actually recover his stamina since his fight with Reiner. Whereas on top of the wall with Reiner and Berthtold they had plenty of stamina and their sudden injuries from Mikasa they just used to trigger their transformations. Yes they were serious injuries, but the important thing is that they had not transformed recently, and they had not spent a lot of energy on recovering serious injuries up to that point so they had plenty of energy. After that they weren't missing that much flesh over all so it was a pretty quick recovery for them while in titan form and after reaching the forest Reiner while being fully healed had an opportunity to actually recover stamina for several hours, meanwhile Eren had a much larger amount of flesh to regenerate. Both arms versus just one hand and some deep cuts.

Nick K

I think the can that Ymir reads is one of the most easily overlooked and subtle breadcrumbs in the whole show, because it's such a small detail and it's surrounded by so many other huge moments. We think about the immediate implications of what this means for Ymir, but not about the can itself. And then three people in two episodes get revealed to be titans and you never remember it again. With Ymir's struggle versus Reiner/Berthtold, I think it's easier to invest in their struggle because even though you don't know their fully story you feel like their is a lot of weight behind their choices because of the things they've committed to. With Ymir, it can feel like she is being overly wishy-washy about which side she should be on and when they trying to convince her to help them leave with Eren it again feels like she's making a dumb decision, but for her situation I think the lack of context hurts her reputation a lot more. She's saying a lot of suggestive things but there's not much to latch onto as a first time viewer unless you commit to giving her the benefit of the doubt due to her knowledge, which she then refuses to share with Eren (and by proxy you) which can really make you dislike her as an answer starved viewer.

rac coun

Ymir is very underrated. I felt the same way, watching it for the first time, but I feel very different now.

rac coun

Please watch the OVA Ilse's Notebook! The usual watch order for reactors is between S2e1 and e2. It was released before S2, I think.


well put. She's such a complex character put so early in the show that it can make some people really dislike her. Her position and feelings can't even be fully understood until you get way into Season 4