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Still cant believe it



don't let Dan and Dave assassinate Jamie's character, hes not a rapist in the books. the books are so much better george you gotta finish them. pain.

Mattis Sommer

"Tyrion needs jayoma" lmao

Marc-Etienne M Jobin

Not sure why some are dissing on Jack. We all know that GoT has to be the most complex universe to understand with dozens of independent storylines. I really doubt any of us got the whole picture after viewing it only once. I personally watched it twice before rewatching the whole thing with Studio Gek and it seems like I'm still learning things.


Can't get over Carter's handsome face on the thumbnail.

Ezile Xozwa

That Gilly Stray was crazy 😂😂

Ivan Flores

4x4 still not unlocked, posted 10 days ago???