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Hey all. I'm not sure how many of you are in Deviantart group WG-Squared, but when it's founder left several years ago I was a moderator. Then the new "founder" wound up moving away from DA. I offered to take up the leadership role since no one was coming up to bat and the group was having some problems that needed to be sorted out. 

During a recent check in it was suggested that we start our own discord server, which I thought was a great idea. So I set it all up, and it's been a hoot chatting with folks everyday. Some people started to throw around some writing prompts to have some fun with so I decided to tackle one just for kicks. So I shared it on there, and though I'd give you all a glimpse too since it's just going into the scrap folder from here. Let me know what you think. 


The bakery prompt BBW story 

"What's that?!” She asked me as I noticed her lips start to become coated in a thick coating of saliva. Her ample bosom was now pressed against my display case, a sight that was easily viewed from my side of the counter. Annabelle had been coming to my bakery for sometime now, but for some reason I didn’t think she’d be the one entranced by my newest creation. Just a stick of a thing when she first started coming here, she has blossomed into quite a beaut thanks to my caloric treats. “That my darling is a peanut butter s'mores chocolate cream pie.” I could see her heart skip a beat as she let my words wash over her. She was standing up straight now, her eyes locked on mine, holding onto every word I spoke. Her magnificent bosom was still front and center before me, but I also couldn’t help but notice her adorable belly peeking out from under her shirt. That belly was looking fuller than ever, she must have been hitting the sweets pretty hard recently. “The crust my own personal buttered graham crackers followed by a chilled layer of melted milk chocolate and marshmallow cream. A firm layer of graham crackers lays on top of that, which is covered by a sweetened peanut butter, before being filled with my whipped double chocolate pudding. It’s frosted with my peanut butter whipped cream. It’s the finest creation I have ever made.” The drop of drool almost fell from her lip. She stood there gobsmacked, unable to even ask for a piece. “Since it’s untested how about I give you the first slice on the house? You can let me know how it is.” I said with a smile. She nodded eagerly, her newly formed second chin squishing in the process. I scooped out a perfectly formed triangle on to a small ornate plate, and rested a small spoon next to it, I ran a pretty fancy joint don’t you know. She swiftly grabbed it from my hands, making sure to get a nice full spoonful before jamming it between her chubby cheeks. The next thing I know she’s letting out the most unrestricted moan I had ever heard. Her whole body shivered with excitement as the first spoonful hit her stomach. She should have been charging me for the show I was getting. Quickly the rest of the pie was stuffed in her greedy gullet, and her plate was ready for another slice. As I listened to her gush about how good it was and all the flavors it had and how sweet it tasted, I dutifully served her another slice, her mouth only stopping when she was filling it with pie. She seemed just as eager about this slice as she was about the last one, eating it right at the counter in front of me. It was only a few moments before she was in need of another, and then another. This girl was absolutely in love with this dish. After about 20 minutes the large pie pan was empty and Annabelle’s stomach was noticeably larger. This pie was absolutely sinful, I never expected someone to eat the whole thing. I should have known a cow like Annabelle would be into it though. Resting her plate on the counter, Annabelle looked satisfyingly stuffed. She paid her tab and said her goodbyes as she slowly waddled out the door, not before asking if I’d be making more of that for tomorrow though.



So I read through this a couple times and I think I understand what I want to say about it. This is a nice start, a good foundation to platform a story, but with that said, I don't feel there is much to go off of at the moment. The stories setting is nice, the setup is decent, but it needs conflict to have a good drive I feel like, money troubles letting her get away with eating treat for free, or maybe she is conflicted about gaining weight, because of internal or external issues. There are many ways the story can go from here, but if you don't want much conflict, I would say this could be a good character examination, how far than baker will let the girl go, and what makes the girl so adamant to stuff her to the point where her gain feels purposeful. This is just a prompt, so I know many things can change, I hope you are able to find something valuable in my feedback.