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Another month has come and some new stories have gone up as well. 

I will need to keep double checking I remember to post to here as well as Deviant Art. I sometimes do not pay attention to that.

That being said college has ramped up a little. So I may be taking on commissions a little slower. If I could do least one commission a month that's fine. If I can do more great, just wanna make sure I finish my college work too. 

I may try and sneak in some personal stories again as well. I have not in a while. Hopefully as the mud clears up over here and spring starts in full swing. That will be a bit easier to do. We'll see. Regardless of that.

If I have not contacted anyone in a while, I just been busy, always fine to poke at me till I message. I don't always have college work, sometimes I just don't wanna do anything haha. But a nudge can help.


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