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Sometime in 2017, I made a silly little parody video called H-pump - featuring a "live" pump. And the letter "H" in the title could be interpreted as "hand-pump" and "hentai-pump". But - a parody, first of all a parody, so nothing serious. Then came three more parts of the series, hardly united by the plot, but there I could do all sorts of strange things, reaching incredible length.

And then Patreon happened, and I switched to serving people, not myself. Also, I've become too accustomed to making short videos. But the final, fifth part - was supposed to be the most "impressive". It became scary to take on this project, which I had been putting off since 2019. So the script, part of the models and the essence remained from those times. And finally, I made it! I am completely satisfied with how it turned out, and certainly happy that this long-standing huge debt is free now!

If you do not know what H-Pump is, then in short - this is my personal project, about my original characters and with my unbridled imagination. I wouldn't say that part-5 contains any parody, but it has become more complex in content and much lewd, having many different ways of inflation and body shapes. I hope you find something interesting for yourself among these 9+ minutes! And I congratulate those people who were waiting for the continuation all these years. It happened, yes!

Iwara - https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/pg58afzjywhzz3gwk

Other online sources Insta FB VK

DL -      Meganz     Terabox     Mailru 

No-music -        Meganz     Terabox     Mailru  

Only inflation + cartoon popping  -    Meganz     Terabox     Mailru 

Only inflation + cartoon popping (voices off) -  Meganz   Terabox   Mailru 

Voices - Swell Reads  Imiku -- EriChi  Povi -- TemptyVA  Poka/Vika -- Trina Deuhart 


Important! I'm used to releasing videos by the end of the month, and since I didn't have time in December (having taken a break for the holidays), I took all the extra time available to improve the project (it became longer by 1-2 minutes, and more detailed in some places). But it turned out that I did not rest in January as wanted. So plans have been shifted: February will also be FREE for all current patrons, as long as you keep your subscription. So far, there is no strength to return to polls, etc.


If you want to remember the past parts, then here they are: H-Pump, H-Pump 2, H-Pump 3, H-Pump 4 

Attention: really "antiques", plus at the time I was more interested in balloons. But you can notice that they became less with each part...


If you liked my girls (Imiku, Povi, twins), then here is a folder with drawings about them. So far, here only a few I used for the "promo event" to highlight characters in November. But over time I will update the content with other old/new ones.


This video is very story driven! If English is not clear to you, then here are all the lines with timings.

0:30 [H-Pump Evolution] Basic unit -> Anti-gravity drive -> Hose module -> Heavy frame robot -> ...Next?

0:32 [Robot tells the backstory] H-Pump technology research -> Reduced and recoded into a good guy -> Priority space base coordinates

0:48 [Imiku enters the space base] Heeeyyy, is anyone here? Express deliveryyy...!

0:59 [Povi appears] I am Povi Pumpgal, a new and improved incarnation in the H-Pump line! 

1:07 [Povi fell] I'm only a few seconds old, mind you!

1:10 [Povi got up] But even then, I know the purpose behind all H-pumps... Let me pump you!!!

1:17 [Imiku activates the device] A-ha! I hacked you!

1:20 [Povi loses control] Lost control of a support unit. General motions failure. W-what?!

1:24 [Imiku feels power] Now I am the H-pump's queen! Feel your power... on yourself!

1:45 [Imiku uses the device as a hair clip] With a body like that, I couldn't think of a better form of revenge!

2:16 [Povi takes back control] The virus has been removed. Hmmmm...

2:20 [Povi touches herself] I kind of liked it... mmm... I'll pump it myself. 

2:28 [Imiku is shocked] What are you doing?!

2:29 [Povi pumps herself up] Us H-pumps prioritize the bodies best suited for inflation. Pumping myself will double my pleasure!

2:59 [Imiku is jealous] Hey! I'm the best!! Who have you weirdos been chasing all this time? Stupid pump!! Oh, come on...!

3:46 [Imiku is scared] Are you okay? I think it's time for me to get outta here-!

4:01 [Imiku sees the twins] Who are you two?!

4:03 [Twins jump] Poko! Vika!

4:06 [Imuku joins] Imiku! Oh, what's going on?

4:12 [The twins explain] Twin mode! Less processing power... but more mobility! Now it's your turn!

4:20 [Imiku panics] I was joking! I don't wanna--! Lemme go! Nooo!!

6:15 [The twins are inflating] Traitor! But ... Please go on! Please don't stop!

6:25 [Imiku saved] Oh, just in time! That was dangerous...

6:30 [Vika] Speed up! Speed up!!

6:32 [Poko] This is super nice!

7:30 [Imiku surprised] I can't believe it...

8:44 [Povi rebuilt] Alright, I've enjoyed myself enough for now. Consider yourself lucky.

8:50 [Povi distracts the robot] Hey, obsolete model. Are you going to burst your new owner so soon?

9:01 [Imiku after deflation] Why... did you save me?

9:06 [Povi explains] As it turns out, I can inflate myself. And... The world isn't limited to the two of us, is it? I don't know much. Will you help me learn?

9:16 [Imiku answers] Helping the inflation-addicted robotic alien girl make new friends? Yeah, I'm in! But behave yourself.

9:24 [Povi is joking] I'll try... Well, maybe one more time, please?!





Could this be your Magnum Opus?


The blood and 'slight' mess was a bit of a surprise for my personal taste (and I appreciate you keeping cartoon versions available as a result), but otherwise this was a great animation! Easily one of your best.


this is an absolutely amazing finale to the h-pump series!


Great work, but I'm not gonna lie the body exploding part with the bones kinda creep me out a little lol.




Damn, I am hella jealous of Imiku getting inflated like that by the twins! Oh what I'd do to be in that situation X3 I enjoyed that this had a lot more sexually explicit scenes too. Overall this is one of, if not your best videos so far! Well worth the wait, I hope you had as much fun making it as we get to have fun watching :3


Thank you! I mostly wanted to show that even being a "mechanical", they have a full imitation of the human body. And for transformation they must break first


Thank you! Sorry, I thought I made the bone as cartoonish as possible. Albeit from adult cartoons


Thank you! Yes, this is the last H-pump, and I wanted to work out the letter "H" to the max


Well I'm glad you enjoyed it! You definitely succeeded at your goals. The shapes were sooo good, espesh the final time Imiku is inflated, it made me envious for sure!!! X3


Oh is done! Thank you so much for making this amazing animation! been follow the series since the HPump 1. What journey can see all your animation improve a lot!


H-pump 5 was worth the wait


I for one much prefer this style of video over the short ones. Seeing the artist create, versus putting something out. Quality stuff here. Thank you for all the hard work that went into the video. And thank you for the videos you will be putting out. Amazing stuff.


I was a bit nervous to ask my wife since she's never heard about the H-Pump 5 series through 1-5 since i showed her all 5 videos, took me time to think what's her reaction to the videos, we took our time not rush through them you created Imbapovi. However she forgot to ask this before it was released! She really loves the character Povi Pumpgal and IMiku even the twins you created sir. My wife was so surprised seeing blood and bones, heart even her transformation! My wife thinks you should make games, mature games since you got talent and a gift, that you make such wonderful animations about inflatable ladies which kinda reminds me of Dying Light 1-2. There's a enemy who's the bomber during the game, once you approach them they explode which takes so much damage to the players health, if you're lucky enough not start from the check point, which my wife and i rarely get lucky.

Christian Cactus

Every delay leading up to the release was absolutely worth it. Over 9 minutes of imbapovi inflation in one video is truly a gift. H-Pump is a great series.

Jan Löwen

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