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Gathering of ideas will go on during first week of month (until October 8).

Please do not offer a complex scenario, a short description is enough to start. Character / action, some details.

Do not suggest the same character which has already been suggested by someone (check comments) + specify only 1 character, which will represent your idea in poll (secondary characters are allowed, if needed for interactions, but not for main roles)

Unacceptable: mens (for inflation / expansion); minors (and generally anyone who looks small, regardless of age, for "sexy or weird things"); animals and furries ("monster girls" with human face type, especially nose part - are permissible); real people (as 3D models, of course); Hatsune Miku; last month's winners - Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild), Lucoa (Kobayashi's dragon maid)

You can change your idea as you like until deadline! Then all ideas will be collected and used for voting among all supporters, starting from Tier-2.

* You can leave link to picture with your character. If not, I'll find it myself later. This is necessary for voting. Just for sake of fairness, please - usual pictures are acceptable, just showing character in normal state as portrait sample. So that this does not affect the opinions of the voters in any way.

Only 1st and 2nd winner will be done

I cannot check the availability of all models in advance. In the worst case, if it is impossible to get a 3D model at all, it will be a 2D animation



Marina from Splatoon 2 trying out a new drink that seems to expand her bust to a tremendous size.


Booette Booette is dancing along to the pac man ghost dance and 1 or 2 boos go to prank her. They/it attach a pump in her mouth/butt and inflates her breasts and butt. After a bit she will start becoming transparent and then popping. Ending with her sitting on the ground and covering her face in embarrassment. https://protagonists.fandom.com/wiki/Booette


kouhai chan from tawawa on Monday: kouhai chan is walking through the street of Tokyo. When she noticed a bowl of blueberry labeled "free sample take one" she decided to eat one. she loved the taste of the blueberry. She decided to eat all the blueberry from the bowl. What she doesn't realize is that, there is a fine print saying "warning no more than 4 blueberry or else face the consequences.”She starts to turn blue. Her whole body starts to inflate. Eventually, her clothes bursts off and she keeps growing bigger. Some of the blueberry juice gushes out of her mouth. Kouhai chan gets really big and eventually stops growing. In the end, she just sits there kinda swaying back and forth. Feeling the pleasure. https://anidb.net/character/85604


2B from Nier: Automata with 9S as a minor role https://i.imgur.com/b30cDnx.jpeg TL;DR The basic idea here is 2B downloads an old, corrupted file that gives her a virus and makes her inflate larger than the universe. Spherical inflation similar to Bea and Mona videos. 2B and 9S are searching through a list of forgotten data-banks/servers when 2B notices an odd name in a certain file, curiously thinking "what the hell is an .mp3??" and proceeds to foolishly download it without getting 9S to scan it first. The mp3 file in question is a remix of the popular "Pump up the Jam" song ( link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaDwttAGiY4 ), but its coding would be so corrupted that the file causes conflicts in 2B's own safety measures and leaves her vulnerable to an attack from a piggybacking virus that was secretly attached to the mp3. 2B begins thinking differently when the archaic file opens, becoming fixated on 9S while the music starts to play in a broken and fragmented way because the software is so ancient and worn out. Meanwhile warnings about a virus breach keep popping up while her body inflates in large surges, in unison with every bass-y beat. 9S would be stunned in fear as his partner blows up and emits the music, while 2B wouldn't be able to resist inflating more, her logic and processing algorithms being gradually overwritten by the viscous virus, so pervasive because it's completely out of date and her systems can't handle how old it is. She becomes more infatuated with 9S, to the point of being fixated on him alone while she floods the room they're in with her spherical mass. 9S flees for the stairwell to the roof, but 2B quickly catches up by bursting through several stories and when he reaches the rooftop, she replaces it from underneath him by dramatically inflating up through the building and destroying it, tearing her shirt off in the process too. This excessive expansion continues on as 2B's spherical body engulfs more of the ruined city around them while 9S rides her rising frame close to her huge head, and several moments pass as the size scale rapidly accelerates. 2B outgrows the planet, bumps the Bunker and moon away, and the music finally fades out but she doesn't stop. Eventually 2B surpasses the entire universe, finally leaving her alone with the object of her desire, staring down ominously at 9S, *still* inflating.


Nia (Xenoblade Chronicles 2): https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/0/09/Nia_artwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20180915200716&path-prefix=protagonist While wandering around an open field, Nia finds a Core Crystal. After picking it up, she tries to awaken it, but the crystal is broken and the awakening goes wrong, causing the core to explode and blows Nia onto the ground. She tries to get up, but she feels surprisingly heavier and realizes what's happening: the wind power from the Core Crytal is now stuck inside her, causing her to inflate spherically. She blows up slowly first, up until her belt breaks when she becomes wider then she was tall. She then starts to blow up eve further, causing her to slowly float from the ground. At around building size, her head and limbs start to sink into her spherical body as well as she grows even further. As she grows ever further, her head is shown being overtaken by her neck as she truly becomes spherical. Summery: Nia Spherical Inflation by Wind


Suika Ibuki (Touhou) Giantess/Vore(cartoony)/Breasts Belly Butt-> Fullbody Secondary role Marisa. Marisa causes a giant Suika to inflate from inside her belly after being swallowed. Marisa Kirisame is fighting against Suika like in the fighting games. Suika uses her power/spellcard to grow giant and swallows Marisa whole then takes a swig from her gourd in victory. Marisa, now in Suika's belly and drenched in alcohol, pulls out a potion and pours it out. Suika starts expanding outward evenly into a full round sphere with emphasized butt and breasts proportionate to her giant height. She burps bubbles of alcohol while inflating and Marisa floats out in one of them. Suika then expands rapidly and pops. Marisa flashes a V. https://imgur.com/N4VOaec


Somewhat of a sequel to the Nami video, where Nami tries to get revenge. Same outfits as before. Nami and Robin are on a beach of an island. Robin is distracted looking around, while Nami assembles her Climatact, bubbles generating out of the tip. Nami gets a mischievous look and calls for Robin, who turns around and suddenly gets the Climatact shoved in her mouth. The bubbles go in her, making her inflate in short intervals, basically one pump per bubble. Robin doesn't even try to fight back and just lets herself swell up super huge, looking pretty complacent, with Nami keeping the Climatact in place, having climbed on Robin when needed as she inflated. Nami eventually finds this suspicious, her devious face turning to concern. From behind Nami, Robin sprouts a clone of herself from the ground, equally as inflated. (Anything that happens to any Robin, the original or clone, happens to all other Robins.) Her clone bumps into her original's body, the tremor making Nami slip off and get caught between the two of them, her legs trapped in their cleavages. She tries to escape, but her hands keep slipping off Robin's bodies, unable to climb out. She sighs and gives up, and looks up at the original Robin in front of her, who drops the Climatact from her mouth, stopping the inflation. The Robins smile, and Nami nervously smiles back as well. By the end, Robin would be about as big as Nami was from her video, with a round body and rather big and round breasts. If a second Robin seems difficult, then instead Robin wobbles her body, causing Nami to slip into her cleavage and getting caught in there.


Adult marron Krillins old girlfriend who finds a capsule somewhere in town where she clicks on it and out comes a turbo water pumping machine as she looks it over she sees a button on the side of it and as curiosity gets the best of her she presses it and the machine comes to life as the hoses suddenly go wild flailing all over the place spraying water and one of the hoses end up in her mouth and she begins to blow up rapidly filling up with water she does her best to take it out but to no avail as within moments she is already the shape of a ball and soon enough the other hose that was also flailing around end up getting stuck in her butt pumping her up even more as she gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger until she ends up overshadowing the people of the city as they run and flee in terror and finally the pump runs out of water and she is now bigger than north city


Felicia from Darkstalkers Felicia is relaxing under the shade of a tree and doesn't notice Lilith flying overhead. The succubus decides to play a trick on the unsuspecting catgirl and swoops down and produces an air tank. Lilith then puts a hose into the exposed sleeping catgirl, who is somehow not awakened, and turns on the air. After inflating to a wide hourglass shape Felicia awakens to her new size and sees Lilith happily waving at her as a sly smile crosses her face. Lilith then fully opens the valve as Felicia's belly joins the mix and then the rest of her body. Once the tank is empty, and the catgirl is larger than the tree she was under, Lilith flies to the top of Felicia's new round form and begins to rest much to Felicia's annoyance. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/darkstalkers/images/4/45/Felicia_Darkstalkers_3.png/revision/latest?cb=20140311010424

Captain Rocko

Tsunade from Naruto https://images.app.goo.gl/Ft4svpqmHX2QmEqH6 We see Tsunade walking down the streets of Konoha's merchant district when a cloaked merchant calls out to her and tries to sell her a rather large looking watermelon. Skeptical at first, the merchant offers her a free sample and says that they're really juicy. Tsunade tries the free sample and is instantly hooked, she buys the first watermelon and 5 more then rushes home. She fails to hear the warning about eating only 1 slice a day. As soon as she gets home, she wolfs them down in no time leaving her with a large, bulging belly. Finishing the last slice, she starts to notice that her skin is turning green with dark green stripes, and her belly is growing bigger by the second. As her belly continues to grow, the green coloring on her skin has spread to the rest of her body and now both her boobs and butt start growing along side her belly. Before she knows it she's filled out every corner of her office and then destroys the building she was in. Now fully rounded out, she grows even faster before she finally stops at half the size of Konoha. Her leaking boobs are half the size of her round body and her face is so puffed up she can't say anything.


Moxxi from Borderlands 2: Serving Pandorans can make a girl thirsty, Sugar! In her bar Moxxi decides to lean back upside down under the beer tap, opens her mouth, and tries to shoot some in, but just spills a lot on her face and cleavage, making her skin shiny. Frustrated, she grabs the tap, pulls her head up this time, seals her lips around the nozzle and opens the valve part-way. Her cheeks fill, and her breasts slowly swell, jiggle, and slosh up and outward, nearly busting out of her top, but she stops and stands up to admire her new massive sloshing cleavage. Amused that her top is barely hanging on, she goes back to the tap! Once again swallowing the nozzle, she opens it to full this time. Gulping loudly, her breasts start ballooning rapidly and pop out of her clothing. She keeps chugging and quickly grabs the nearby water hose used to cut the alcoholic drinks and shoves it up her rear. Her belly quickly balloons out popping her outfit buttons and passing her breasts. It gets huge and heavy until her sloshy belly is resting on the floor between the bar and the back wall. She keeps expanding until she fills and starts overflowing the entire bar area pressing and flooding against the bar and wall. When all the space is full Moxxi bursts into a huge splash of liquid. https://drive.google.com/file/d/154fEqLHOA_Jy9x2n1I8E5thX03ohju6A/view?usp=sharing


Cinder from RWBY. Cinder is just relaxing at home when a shadow looms over her, it's Weiss with her huge breasts from her trademarked booby milk. Cinder not wanting to be outshined by Weiss grabs her bottle of milk and chugs it but Weiss with a smurk on her face points to the bottle that says "only drink 1 sip per day". Suddenly Cinders breasts explode in size growing larger and larger until her dress rips completely off of her. Unable to take the pressure, Cinders breasts start gushing with milk. As the video is nears the end, Cinders butt (preferably in a thong) begins to grow too and this intrigues Weiss. She takes a sip of the milk to have her butt grow as the video ends.


Kashino and Taiho in Azur Lane were unable to proceed due to lack of fuel. Then Taiho came up with a good idea and thrust an air hose into Kashino's mouth. Then Kashino's chest and butt begin to swell. When it grew to a certain extent, Taiho floated Kashino in the sea and jumped on Kashino's chest to finish. https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/kamoshiba/imgs/3/e/3e428196.png


How about a Mosquito Girl? A tiny mosquito girl flies into a window and sees the exposed back of another unspecified model, who is asleep in bed. She proceeds to bite and drink her blood and her butt, hips, and thighs begin to expand, before mosquito girl gets her fill, the secondary model swats her away in her sleep and pulls her blanket over her head. But as she pulls the blanket up, she exposes a nice juicy butt cheek to drink from. She flies up and latches on to the side and proceeds to drink. Her belly now starts to swell. It gets so large that her legs get pushed away and she has to fly to stay latched on, however her belly eventually gets too heavy and she cant stay airborne any more. Determined to drink more, she attatches a needle with a small pump and a hose and starts to drink again. This time her whole body starts to expand and her butt, hips and thighs expand along side it. She rips through any clothes shes wearing, as she starts to expand larger and larger. Eventually she gets so big the needle gets pulles out, but not before she becomes as large as the butt cheek she was drinking from. Now finally satisfied, she attempts to fly away only to realize her bloated body is far too heavy as the video ends.

Luke LaPierre

Wiz: She's cleaning her shop up when she accidentally knocks over a potion which releases a gas of some kind.her belly begins to expand, causing a few of her belts and straps to pop open, as her stomach continues to expand, her face begins to turn blue along with the rest of her body. her breasts, then her butt, then the rest of her body begin to expand now as well, and she waddles around to find a cure, she soon finds one, but as she’s reaching for it, she loses her balance and knocks down even more potions releasing even more gas, causing her not only swell up more rapidly, but also much much larger. She eventually grows so large she outgrows her shop, Vanir walks into frame, looking shocked. The video ends with the over inflated Wiz with a sign hanging from her neck saying “large balloon idiot for sale”. (If it isn't too much trouble, it'd be nice to have a SFW version of the expansion along with the NSFW)


Samus Aran (Metroid) takes a pill before swimming in a blue, zero suit style swimsuit and begins to inflate into the shape of big titted, big-assed pool toy which causes all of her bikini to snap.


Character (main): Ice Queen - Adventure Time Character (supporting): Ashley - Wario Ware series Script: Ice Queen is at a "Starbucks" performing the "Starbucks Apron Meme." She's wearing nothing but the green apron. Her introduction into the scene is her squeezing cold whipped cream from her breasts onto two coffees. Ashley comes to the counter and asks for ice-cream (I suppose a speech bubble with an ice-cream icon). Ice Queen responds by shaking her head, which upsets Ashley. Staying true to her theme song's lyrics, she casts a spell that plugs up the Ice Queen's nipples with corks making her breasts start swelling. She falls and breaks the counter. Ashley then changes the corks into hoses and both go into the Ice Queen's mouth. Her ass starts swelling, and her stomach starts to swell too (not a spherical expansion). She keeps swelling till she breaks through the building till she pops and vanilla ice-cream splashes everywhere. --- I guess if it's possible for a special/bonus, Ice Queen (with swelling breasts) can be hoisted up in the air, by Ashley's magic, over the counter. Coffee cups will move along the counter under her breasts, while Ashley's magic will alternating squeeze her breasts (kinda like milking a cow) and whipped cream will be squeezed onto the cups as they pass by.