News for supporters (Patreon)
Ready for another portion of my explanations instead of content? Okay, sarcasm aside.
I will release a new video in a few days, but since there is already cause for concern that this will be in September, and I am very tied to the dates, I want to give an update for the "empty" August.
I think I wrote before, but I'm working on H-Pump-5 (for those who don't remember / don't know, this is my old personal series, parts of which sometimes lasted 10 minutes). Lately, I am scared to take on such large projects, but this year I vowed to myself to finish it (this is the last episode that I have been thinking about doing for several years).
Therefore, in August, I was engaged in the preparation of models and other things, and this morally burdened me with the upcoming volumes of work, as I feared for a long time ... Therefore, I was definitely not in a hurry, instead of moving forward faster with this. According to very optimistic forecasts, I wanted to finish a video in the summer, but at least I started it in the process.
That is why it created such a significant hiatus as it might seem from the outside. Although I was actually doing behind-the-scenes work. Now all the models, scenes and voiceactings are ready, so I'm moving on to the final and important part. Hopefully the result will seem like something special as well, and I'm getting ready to present it to you pretty soon compared to all previous time.
Most of all I am afraid of not meeting the expectations of my viewers and especially the supporters, all of you who allow me to do what I do. I made August free for current patrons, specifically to go about my own thing, and since I still did not quite meet schedule, I would have skip September, but two months in a row is also not entirely correct.
So please, if you think that right now I am too slow in creating content, you can temporarily unsubscribe so that you can come back later anytime when I return to more stable production. I hope it doesn't sound weird that I'm demotivating support with these words, but I really don't want to disappoint anyone in what I'm doing.
In September HP-5 will definitely be released, as well as a couple of other videos. However, do not rely too much on my promises, but now, after so much time, now they must come true.
And a couple more less important announcements.
First, there will be a ideas poll in September, although I must warn - as you can see, often the influx of ideas becomes greater than their production. I will have time to at least do everything that is right now until the end of 2021. But just keep in mind that the new winners may not be created soon due to the growing queue with current switch to my personal project. I also do not intend to temporarily stop the poll system only. Everything that appears there will gradually be fulfilled. It only takes time. And again to the words above, for the participants who suggesting and voting - please don't be disappointed. I explained why this is happening, but this is mostly opportunity to give direction to my content in a global sense, not a win of something in particular.
Secondly, Google Drive has been creating problems lately. This does not apply to modern videos, as posts with them contain mirror links. But earlier works may not be available, and I regret that I did not anticipate such a development of events. I try to update link access when I see comments on specific posts. Feel free to draw my attention to the places that need to be repaired. A temporary measure.
Once I finish HP5 (definitely my main event for this decade), I'll start cataloging and uploading all of content, including first ones, to a more secure location.
Most importantly, I'm still here and I'm not going to leave. Please accept my speed, I promise I will create even more stuff than has already been done. I see no problem continuing this, it just ceased to be my only pastime.
Thanks to everyone who has read to the end and is helping me! I hope I have explained the reasons for what is happening right now and the remaining plans for this year. Good day to you, and it won't be so long before our next meeting!