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I thought whether it is necessary to tell this separately, and I think - yes, it is necessary.

This is one of worst months in my “production career”, as there have been some sad events in my life that have prevented me from doing something for a long time (two weeks - this is a lot for me). I myself am fine, and in fact, I’m just returning to normal right now!

I just wanted to warn about state of affairs, since now things are normal again.

But I lost more than half a month, and I’m unlikely to be able to make enough production in the remaining time. “Enough” is what I would consider fair for the support provided to me.

I hope I did not disappoint you with a temporary absence!

At least I would like to make 2 more videos in February ("3.5", if count extras). But this is still not enough, as I wrote above, and February I consider failed in creative terms. I am dissatisfied with the situation.

So please, if you think that supporting me this month was not justified - send private message asking for a refund, I will do it, no problem.

On the other hand, I hope that everything will go smoothly, and stable production will be kept in order. So I count on your help, to provide new and exclusive things!

Thank you for the reading!

I will get back to work!

*This message will be deleted later!


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