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I'll say it plainly, Footlovers. Tekken 8 has been pretty awesome- the more offensive, faster-paced gameplay is quite exciting, the online is actually quite good (this from someone who hates playing online) and the game overall is a good upgrade from Tekken 7 graphics. That said- there's a very important aspect or element of the game that has been found lacking... the FEET. The female feet, to be exact. 

Yes, it is great that Barefoot Customization is back, and ALL the girls can be barefoot, and mods are available to give us sexy outfits like bikinis and swimsuits... but there is still the glaring issue that the feet of the Tekken 8 ladies are inferior to Tekken 7 feet. Yes, T8 feet have more polygons, smoother and detailed- but flaws remain. The toes look too pointy, and are too thin. Toenails don't look right (and are a downgrade from T7 nails). The texture of the soles, while detailed, looks off- not having the look or texture of the sole of a human foot. Bottom-line, the feet are good from a distance, in-game, and from the top and the side. But in close, when we zoom in for our KO content, from the sole view- the feet are kinda meh... and unfortunately, we're all about going up in close to our ladies' feet.

So I and others of like mind are currently trying to do something. We are trying for a Foot model replacer mod that should make Tekken 8's feet not just meh or mid, but GREAT. Feet we  want to worship, to adore and to stare at for hours on end. It shouldn't be hard, or impossible, but it needs to have some effort put into it. Rest assured, we are trying. Let's all cross our fingers and toes that this venture pays off with even better Tekken 8 Feet content in the near future. Just a heads up,  something to look forward to, if we succeed.

Anyway, I'll keep you all updated- or you'll know, if and when we succeed. Stay tuned.  

UPDATE: Things are happening, we've contacted and are working with NecDaz, an expert on doing beautiful female feet models for gaming and art, so hopefully we'll see something soon.



Hanzo Hasashi

Nice that I not the one who think the tekken's feet model is better than the t8 ones


It's gonna be DOA5 or SC6 again, it seems. Developers improve feet, but its the foot fans who perfect them. I'm looking forward to seeing how it will go.