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We're back with Tekken 8 with a new KO Ending featuring once again the luscious Asuka! But this also marks the return of an old favorite of mine- the Mid-Hit KO! For those not familiar to this for some reason, a Mid-Hit KO or Mid-KO is a KO pose achieved by finishing the opponent with specific Mid-Hitting attacks, that cause a very specific KO animation and KO pose, leaving the defeated opponent on their back, their legs steepled/bent- as seen in the post image. It's a bit hard to capture, since the round usually cuts to the victory screen before the full KO finishes (the feet hitting the ground). Like in Tekken 7 though, you can make the full KO play out by having the KO happen with a Slow-Mo Finish. So its a bit tricky to pull off- not super-difficult, but can take some effort. So when it happens, I gotta capture the shots and do the KO. Asuka was the first MId-KO I've done for Tekken 8, and surely won't be the last.

My only gripes so far remain, with the whole scenes having to be paused unlike in Tekken 7, where background animations still ran, giving the KO scene 'life'. Also, the KO facial expression for the Mid-KO is a bit pained, which I don't like. Hopefully in time we'll get mods or functions to keep improving Tekken 8 KOs, but till then, I think we can make do.

So yeah, I love Mid-KOs since they're pretty sexy and kinda lewd, with the babe's crotch and her legs a bit spread out. It's quite the exposed, vulnerable pose, though I guess I love the actual KO animations even more. I hope you all find the appeal as well, as in any case, the views are quite hot and lends to very lavish foot and sole shots. Expect more to come as we will attempt to get all the babes Mid-KO'ed eventually... 



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