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Beeb working on DOA5 again just now, doing a couple of KOs, one of which features the lovely Kokoro. This beautiful Baji Quan Practitioner does not get as much attention as the more popular DOA Babes, but we should not sleep on this young woman- particularly when she looks so good, um, sleeping. Admittedly, I was kinda stand-offish with Kokoro before, particularly during her debut in DOA4, since I felt she was so young. In particular  I felt bad when she lost, as in her Game Over I remember she was calling out to her mom... Anyway, she has grown up a bit since her debut, and definitely has bloomed into an impressive beauty. And well, those boobs are not from a kid! 

That all said, she is one of the strongest fighters, if you have trouble clearing enemy fighters, pick her and she'll clean house. That said, even her formidable skills wasn't able to keep her from getting knocked out here. 

Full KO coming soon, for now though, enjoy these sample screenshots.



TheVHM108 Productions

I really do like her outfit. I also do like that detail of her feet.