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We've got a sizzling-hot, all-new Tekken 7 KO here, with none other than the Fighting Prime Minister Herself, Lidia Sobieska! The Polish Karateka is looking like a sleeping princess as she lays there on the floor of the Arena, in an alluring pose that is just a slightly modified KO from Zafina's winpose. It's a bit more reserved than the usual open, spread-legged poses that I tend to do, which is nice for a change. It does still give a royal view of Lidia's butt, which is always good, and even I, foot fanatic that I am, can always appreciate a cute derriere.

Anyway, what's nicer for me is that I was able to persuade Lidia to have a different KO face for this pose. As you can see, she has her mouth closed, which gives her a much more tranquil expression as she takes her nap. It is a bit hard to have it just right- for some reason just closing her mouth isn't as straightforward as moving her jaw. In any case, I think she looks even more alluring than ever in this pose, with that expression, and I hope to do more like this in the future. We need to see more of this Karate Goddess, that's for sure.

So get down to worshipping and servicing this lady, those killer legs, perfect feet and hot body are ours to pamper- at least until her bodyguards finally figure out where she disappeared to... Enjoy!




Man, I really really really hope the Tekken 8 leak is true. If and when Lidia is announced for T8, I am going to FLIP OUT.

Fire 4616

Lidia looks so peaceful here... *zooms in on feet* :)


It was a bit of a trick to get her face just right. Her default KO face always has her mouth open, which is okay but sometimes you just want that peaceful sleepy face lol. :)