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Progress Report For V0.05. It's come to another progress report. I have everything put in game the writing is what is holding me up. Friday night I pulled an all nighter and tonight I will as well in hopes of finishing so I can get it out on the 8th but if it keeps at the pace, I am now it will need a couple more days. Everything is not pre-scripted I just go off the top of my head when writing so I tend to write myself into corners and then find a way to re-write myself out or re write entirely. Right now, just dealing with mush brain when it comes to writing the dialog, so it's been slower. I know I mentioned the 8th and still hope of hitting it but if it's done on the 8th but too late, I'll hold off until the nineth to post it because it does take time to upload if I don't hit the 8th deadline, I set for myself don't fret it will be no more than a 3 day wait until it will come out. See I hate estimating a date because if I pick one and miss it because my evaluation of the work that needs to be done or the over evaluation on my productivity to get it accomplished. When I fail, I not only fail myself, but I feel worse because I fail you all as well by not getting it out in a time I guessed and estimated. I will not be giving a deadline on when something will be out again. I tried, failed and feel like shit. Next time it's out when it's out shall be the answer.




Hey, no worries. A myriad of issues can happen that can cause a delay. Needing to take a little longer to work on the dialog is a perfectly understandable reason. Please, take your time and don't beat yourself up over needing to take a little longer to deliver the update. Releasing a quality update is preferable to rushing one with problems out. Finally, I do agree with just giving an "it'll be ready when it's ready" answer when it comes to update release dates in general. ETAs are nice and all, but they rarely account for the unexpected. Thanks for the heads up, take your time, and please take care of yourself.