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Babylon's Ashes

It's here! I can't believe we've made it already!! Already??!?!?

It's the series finale, y'all. 60+ episodes, I've lost track of how many bad guys, and now we see who survives the war and most pressing, who gets Humperdink!

Thank you to everyone who was on the journey with me. Your knowledge and love of the series was evident in every episode and made watching even more of a delight.

Don't be strangers. As this journey has ended there are lots more to come, and I want you with me for each one. 

Go Screaming Firehawks!


The Expanse 6x6 | Full Episode Watch Along

Thank you Patrons!


Tony Camas

Oh, yeah - something I meant to mention that you brought up a few times. You were expecting the disarmed missile that Filip and Tadeo found lodged in the Pella's inner hull -- let's call it "Chekov's Dud" -- to make another appearance, perhaps figuring in some ironic way into the battle between Marco and the Inner/Drummer coalition, and were surprised that didn't happen. The in-story reason for that is simply that the Pella was a very fancy Martian gunship, and when Marco acquired it, it almost certainly came with a full complement of missiles of various sorts. So the one they "captured" from the Rocinante, while certainly valuable, was in the end just another one added to the Pella's already well-stocked arsenal. It may well have been among the missiles the Pella shot at Drummer's group, but it was unlikely to have been a tactical game changer or anything of that ilk. It was just one more of something they already had plenty of. From a storytelling perspective, the disarmed missile already served its Chekovian purpose -- it was to plant the thought in Filip's head that someone on the Roci showed him mercy, which contributed to his increasing doubt about the morality of his father and his father's cause. Using it again to change the balance of power in some significant way would probably have been a little too on the nose for this show.

Etta Eskridge

As a book reader, two points. This season does not fully capture the intensity of the war between Marco and the Earth Mars Coalition but the most essential parts of Book 6 are worked into Season 6. The other is that I am very well satisfied with the job they did with what they were given (6 episodes only! by Amazon). The scenes of the attack on the Ring station were really great and gripping. Ending with Drummer in control of the Transport Union and Medina were quite accurate (although with a different female character in the books). As another reactor pointed out, the novella Strange Dogs was depicted in the beginning 5 minutes of each episode and this was important as well to keep the Protomolecule tied into the story of Season 6 which is essentially all enacted in Sol system. (our solar system). There is a reason the Martians fled to Laconia and a reason they now have both Cortazar and the PM sample they stole from Fred Johnson. (RIP Fred!!) We ALL hope to see the next series of books put on screen as they will be amazing as well. Thanks Anna! It was a great run. Always nice to welcome a new Screaming Firehawk into the fold!