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James Forrest

Well as I said in the email I sent you guys, you can't watch this and not watch Near Dark. :) They came out at the same time and Lost Boys entered the cultural zeitgeist almost instantly, whereas Near Dark vanished to the fringes ... and unarguably, as much as I do think The Lost Boys is a fantastic film, Near Dark is definitely the better movie, far darker, far more enigmatic, taking the genre in a radically different but worthwile direction ... and it stars the cast from Aliens. There's a great story behind that which I'll recount if you review it, because it might contain some spoilers for the movie itself and you do not want a second of this film spoiled for you.

Jamie C Cavazos

I noticed the youtube reaction this morning, watched that and realized I just couldn't put it off any longer. I am now a Patreon supporter. As for Lost Boys in general, half my family LOVES LOVES LOVES this movie. The other half are so done with it. LOL. Guess the half that likes it have watched it one too many times. But I'm one of the lovers and I loved your reactions, especially since you had no idea what it was about going in. And I tend to love your reactions in general anyway. :) Very happy to be here.


Thank you so much for all the support and for watching these with us. We really enjoyed this movie. It was great going into it blind because we didn't know what it was about but while watching it the genre and the way they blended them was so freakin' entertaining it had us hooked!


Definitely gonna add it to our list and give it a watch! Thank you for the suggestion. It definitely sounds appealing 😀

Melissa Creel

If you have never seen Big Trouble in Little China, another 80's movie, it's worth a watch. Kurt Russell, Kim Cattrall. Don't go into it thinking it's serious. It's campy but great. Kurt Russell plays a "Man's Man"(what else). But it's a fun time. Some others are also Fright Night (original 1980's) and Labyrinth. Love watching you guys. Your reactions are so real and informative. And I love how you appreciate and recognize what goes into making each movie.