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So the first of these guys is the one dubbed “the Beauty Blogger”. In chapter 2 Gray says people tell him he only dates “peacocks”, and if I had to define his type it would be “men who demand you pay attention to them”. He tends towards older guys because they generally have the confidence of experience, but I absolutely think he’d have at least one bad run-in with a 20-something influencer type who dumps him for refusing to be his social media thirst trap arm candy.

This guy’s look is super over-the-top but I think that’s part of the appeal for Gray, like, he sees someone putting themself out there with such complete confidence in a way he’s used to seeing put down, it hits him like an arrow to the heart. They live in a hard, seedy underground nightclub district run by biker gangs who drove out all the cops, and it makes him happy when things can be soft and cute and pretty and still thrive in that environment. I think as someone who came into a “peacekeeper” role in this neighbourhood as the one charged with keeping everyone in his little corner of the underground safe, it puffs up his ego to see people from other walks of life gravitate towards his bar.

Gray was in a wheelchair with shaggy in the last “five years ago” flashback in chapter 2, and this buzzed head look is him doing a hard reset and deciding to start over. He was recovering from brain surgery and a lung transplant, he’s lost a ton of weight from being depressed and sedentary, he couldn’t lift anything heavier than five pounds for months, but the mob doctor tasked with putting him back together finally connected the right wires to get him walking again and he’s decided there’s nothing to do but start blazing the trail forward.



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