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Patch 3.2 is here!

This patch adds the updated D-Tox game-over (The VR Gallery/replay modes for D-Tox have been updated with that as well) as well as adding the "play with me" and "Retry trial" options when speaking to D-Tox after passing her trials.
For MAC users, this patch also introduce the "attempted compatibility" fix I talked about a month ago. I have made both a Mac Os and a Linux version for you to try out on your MAC machines.

But please remember: I do not us MAC myself, so I could not try these "fixes" myself. I simply made the modifications and suggestion some other users have proposed, but I can't promise you these will work at all. The dev of RPG maker have officially abandoned all support of MAC a year ago, so there isn't much for us the devs to fix there mess.

This will be my final attempt to fix this. I hope it works.
If it doesn't, you'll have to wait until I master UNITY and start making games on that engine.

This is the last update related to the D-TOX remaster (Aside from potential bug hotfix patches). From now on, work will focus back on Barbwire. And Tier IV patrons will once again receive early access privilege's to all future patches moving forward. Since the exception I made for the D-TOX remaster only applies to that. In short, Tier IV patrons get early access a month or so before Tier III pats get it the following month.

Anyways, here are the files:

- For WINDOWS users: https://mega.nz/file/zQQWlbQY#5Rg_qP13BmUQx7PT42RC2VTfJqSqk3CJJweAS3VpfQU

- For MAC users:

Please try the MAC OS version first: https://mega.nz/file/qUoWUQJR#b5MTVSoudDSEz4ICq8STeMk4DpMXArI0ZP19-WWNMJg

If MAC OS version doesn't work, try the LINUX one:

Hopefully, one of these two will work on your system. If not well. RIP. Because this my last desperate attempt to make it work.



- UPDATED Game-Over (D-Tox) scene. This includes an "additional" front angle which shows Ash being encased in the bag amongst other things, as well as some "Masked" POV shots

- D-Toxe's gallery/Movie files have been updated with the updated Game-Over

- Added the "Play with me" function when you talk to D-Tox after passing her trials. This will allow you to redo the "Slap" and "Grab" again.

- Added the "Retry trial" function. Talk to D-Tox after passing the trials and ask her to try her trial again. This will allow you to redo the breathing minigame as many times as you want.

That's it.

Hope you like it!




is there a save file ready for barbwire?


Has anyone gotten the Linux version to work?