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Hey gang, hope you're having a super-solid extended weekend! Here's what's happening this week in the WHMU! 

First up tomorrow, we've got a brand-new We Hate Movies episode that's honestly over a decade in the making! That's right, we'll be taking about the direct-to-Showtime thriller/Alzheimer's drama, Safe House, starring our beloved, the one-and-only Patrick Stewart! This episode was a lot of fun to lay down as it marked our first in-studio recording in almost two months. The energy and Patrick Stewart impressions are through the roof! And you can get this episode AD-FREE here on Patreon starting at the $8 level

Then on Thursday, it's the next episode of our wildly popular show, MELR0210! This month we're chatting about a Beverly Hills, 90210 episode that has some classically shitty Brenda Walsh, and a Melrose Place that cranks the bonkers meter to 15! This episode will be released to our Top Tier subscribers at the $10 level

So that will do it for this week, gang! As always, we thank you all for being the absolute rock star subscribers that you are and here's to another great week of laughs! 

Take it easy,
Andrew, Chris, Eric & Steve
We Hate Movies


Gary Dennis

On the issue of shooting guns off in the backyard of an L.A. suburb...I'm from L.A., and at 14 years old I was hanging out with my boy in South Pasadena when his Dad (a chubby gung-ho news camera man for KTLA Ch. 5) walks down the stairs holding a case and out of the blue he says "come with me boys." He opens the case in the backyard and it's got two silenced .22 caliber ruger hitman pistols in it. He loads them up and proceeds to force two teenagers into unloading rounds at plastic milk jugs full of water he had hung from a tree and a couple water melons. Their neighbor poked his head out from his back door, and my friend's dad pointed at the neighbor and screamed, "You get back in your FUCKING house Jorge!". Anyway, friend's dad finished up his "lesson" with "boys, in this world you gotta be ready for anything" and went back upstairs... This wouldn't be my last experience firing off rounds in the backyard of an LA suburb, not by a long shot. Never saw the cops once,....this is L.A. baby.


With Dune and Patrick Stewart being relevant to the WHM Universe I thought this Deleted scene from Dune should be shared. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuBSvNtlAq8


Gary, this story is amazing. Although silenced .22s seem just a bit quieter than whatever machine gun Patrick Stewart was using to hunt gophers in his yard, lol. If there's more to this story (or even if there's not), you should write into the mail bag. Would love to read this wild story on the air at some point! - Andrew


I had yet to see this, Mike! Thanks for sharing. I'd call that deleted scene, "Dream Blunt Rotation." - Andrew