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It's our monthly flashback to sunny, sexy, 1990's Los Angeles—along with some fake-ass Paris thrown in for good measure!

First up on Beverly Hills, 90210, it's the ridiculous and bifurcated episode, "Too Little, Too Late/Paris 75001," which aired on July 29, 1992. This episode features Brenda and Donna being disgusting American pigs in Paris, a cab driver hilariously throwing their luggage out of his car, a French waiter wanting to spit in their food so bad, and then the remaining California kids hanging back at the beach as Brandon tries to sabotage Andrea's love life, Andrea toys with a deaf kid's summer happiness, Dylan and Kelly start flirting, and Dylan struggles to write a letter for his up-for-parole father! 

Then up the road on Melrose Place, it's the wild, firing on all cylinders episode, "Arousing Suspicions," which first hit the sexy, sultry, primetime airwaves on January 26, 1994. This episode is Full-Tilt Crazy as Billy's co-worker moves in with Billy and Alison for a week to work on an article while her apartment is fumigated, Reed courts Amanda to invest in his shady boat business while Jo looks on, Sydney telling Jane the truth about Michael's prostitution scam, and Matt actually getting to meet a man and go on a date!

MELR0210 is a WHM podcast where the guys blissfully stroll through the Beverly Hills, 90210 and Melrose Place timelines. The TV episodes covered will run in broadcast order.

Thanks so much for continuing to support the WHM Patreon! You're way cooler than Dylan McKay!

Cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



Mike Kling

I can't wait until you get into the Melrose episodes with Jake's brother.

Harry Squier

Military Police: Gay Squadron, is that on the same night as NCIS?

Mark D Myers

Going to Paris oh little rich boy.