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Hi Folks,

It's that time again. Wherein you ask a brief, direct question below and we do our best to answer it in this month's Big Daddy Dispatch! Please be sure to sign your question below with your name and where you're writing from.


Steve from Jersey City



If you could choose any two movie characters to be your parents, who would you choose? Any combo of genders, and they don’t have to be from the same movie/time period/universe. -Kacey (she/her) from DC


What movie scene that happens off-camera do you most want to see? Personally, I want to see the entire Puppy Who Lost His Way speech from the end of Billy Madison. - Kevin from Seattle


If the prediction of AI technology continuing to advance to the point movies will just be tailor-made by all viewers comes to fruitation, what is the first movie you are creating for yourselves and starring which actors? Kristen from Summerville

Mark F

Which country’s cinema would you like to experience a US/mainstream boom like Korea has (Parasite, Squid Game etc being big hits)? Mark from Boston


When I was little the first tape I ever rented was the never ending story, a pre blockbuster retnal.when it ended I threw a fit, I wailed n cried "b-b-bbut it ENDED!" over and over again. I'll be 42 next week n my mom still brings it up. Are there any childhood movie moments your parents or friends won't let you live down?


What's a movie you completely turned around on opinion-wise (whether positively or negatively) upon second viewing? Sam from Vancouver


Any podcasts or shows you know of that revisits classic cinema? I love your WLM episodes when you go way back to the golden age of Hollywood and I'm always looking for more discussion around those types of movies Frank from UT


Do you have a way you guys go into comedy mode when you are about to do a show? It’s important to get laughs in especially nowadays. I wanted to know if you all had any advice on tapping into the sense of humor when it can help lift the mood. Thanks for the laughs fellas Tom from STL

Justin Shaw

Do you ever hear a song on the radio or whatever, and you remember it from a movie soundtrack or was even the theme song , and you just have to go watch that whole movie? Justin in Australia


It comes up a bit on the Nexus so what’s yous guys favorite classic Twilight Zone episode? Favorite TZ reboot or clone such as Tales from the Dark Side. Would you ever add a Zone tier of the Patreon and take all my money? Joey from Worcester MA


Do you guys think the world will ever see another auteur in the same vein as a Russ Meyer or Andy Sidaris? P.S. We all miss A Side Order of Sleaze. Alan in Dalton, PA


how big is Jersey City?


Dude, this is not a simple short question


Not really a question, I just wanted to let you all know how incredible the show in Brunswick was for PRIDE month. First time seeing you guys live was pretty surreal. Eric even pointed to me in the audience and said "one guy" when I expressed my odd love for Cabin Boy. I am that guy. Thanks so much!! Sven from Rochester NY

Tyler Young

When are we going to get a Return of the King episode? - Tyler from KCMO