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On this special edition of The Nexus, the guys are chatting about a fabulous (and kind-of under-watched) Trek film, 1994's Star Trek: Generations! What's with all the cosplay nonsense up front? How great is Malcolm McDowell in this movie? And who among us hasn't shed a tear when Data finds Spot safe in the wreckage at the end? PLUS: Does Alan Ruck watch his action scenes in this movie to get pumped up for family gatherings? 

Star Trek: Generations stars Patrick Stewart, William Shatner, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, James Doohan, Walter Koenig, Alan Ruck, Whoopi Goldberg, and Malcolm McDowell as Soran; directed by David Carson.

The Nexus is a WHM podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support this weird thing we do—we couldn't do it without you!

Cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



Tweet Joe Self

Love it. I’ve been waiting for this episode for a long time. And more Kevin Feige impersonations from Chris. Sounded pretty spot on to me.

Matt Naylor

The only thing I’ve wanted for Christmas, other than weed and booze.

Daniel Garcia

Eric as Guynan is horrifically beautiful


I've never been a fan of this movie - the incredibly obnoxious Data scenes ruin it for me, and I'm still disappointed with Kirk's death. That said, I really enjoyed this episode, and it made me think at least a little bit better of the movie.


My Mom took me to see this In theaters. It wasn't her thing at all. She was a cool Mom.

Edward Carlson

It was a combine in the trailer that wasn't in the theatrical release. It now resides at the entrance to a Drive-In theater in Manitou Beach, Saskatchewan.

Andrew Bowers

It’s a fucking comedy podcast dipshit


So I can’t join in with my own observational humor about the podcast ANDREW? DO I HAVE YOUR FUCKIN PERMISSION TO MAKE MY OWN ANECDOTES ANDREW BOWERS


I like Generations, it's interesting Trek from a scifi perspective and narratively, I enjoy stories that provide closure to characters. The thing I don't like about this movie is Data's emotion chip B-plot. I think his emotion chip in general was one of the worst TNG subplots and this movie kinda takes it for a walk. I never understood why, with all of the possible facets of Data permanently having emotion, the one this movie landed on highlighting is "Data as awkward humor"


Banger episode… I love when picard was talking to troy. Picard: “I’m thinking about all the experiences Renea is never going to have, going to the academy, reading books….” And that’s when picard just loses it, my god picard and his books, that’s what got you in this trouble to begin with.


No I won’t. I pay these people money. I am under no obligation to take their crap.


This is amazing, I need more of this. Please tell me more about how this board belongs to you because you gave someone $10

Rob Brown

Imagine paying the $10/month and the comment section is what’s most important to you.


This bit you're doing is hilarious. Angry internet Stalin. Keep going


I’m intrigued as to what your previous comment was sir

Erica Taylor

There’s no freedom of speech on a private forum, which is what Patreon is. It may have been auto-modded OR you were extremely toxic and the guys didn’t want those comments up.


I wish there were laugh reacts on comments bc LOLOLOLOLOL “I give each of those four guys $2.50/m, I DEMAND they listen to me without question, and I face no consequences for my words. For $10/m.”


I wonder if this is really Eric just doing parody as a way to vent about fans


This guy is really ruining the good name of Stalin.


Working class? But able to afford luxuries like bad movie podcasts? I dunno, sounds kinda Bougie to me, Mr Steel

Michael Daniels

I was under the impression the guys didn't give a shit about the comments, or at least read them with complete disdain, so I dunno what you were trying to accomplish here


This is some next level cringe. I sincerely hope the gang roasts this dude in a future ep


You pay them a subscription fee to access their content, they don't owe you anythinh. If you don't like it cancel it and move on. You're a weird man with strange understanding of how this works


I wish I could demand unfettered control over another individuals actions for the bargain price of $10 a month.


Eat shit, dude


Men are so emotional


All these mad white people die mad lmao. I offer no insult no slur, not in regard to the comment referenced anyway. Somebody managing the account thought acknowledging the pod on how terrible production was while the gang still praises the movie as the best wasn’t funny, it was insulting to the big genius brains at WHM apparently, fanbase notwithstanding


Can't wait to watch you get banned for harassment


Again, Sara, I mean Karen, no one is talking to you lol


I’m non-binary but thanks for assuming Karen.


strong "show yourself coward, I will never log off" energy


If you think calling any random woman a Karen is how that works, then lmfao


I hope you know there's an entire group of people collectively shitting on you right now


Just so yall know, Patreon has a reporting feature for users who are trolling at this link https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000465611 If you feel strongly enough about SomeCallMe's nonsense


Wouldn’t be the first time Sara. Go ahead smoggy and report me be a Karen snitch on POC. do it. Fuckin loser.


The irony of calling someone a Karen after whining about how you're entitled to impunity on a message board that you share with several thousand other people...


If you would accept getting shutdown for no legitimate reason, then keep licking the boot pal, evidently a lot of people here like the taste.

Erica Taylor

My older sister took me. She really disliked Star Trek and she took me for my birthday at the second run theater.