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On this month's cavalcade of crap cartoons, the gang is chatting about the totally bonkers 90s cartoon, Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series! The episode in question, "Puck Fiction," originally aired back on November 15, 1996, and besides having a wretched film parody title, the ep also features the Ducks getting framed for robberies, totally absurd dragon people, an obnoxious fake TV show gag, ducks that potentially eat duck hot dogs, and criminally short appearance from Jim Belushi's character! PLUS: Clarence Boddicker, duck assassin!

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Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



Christopher Bruce

"This was on my radar, but I always said no to it" My thoughts exactly! I had a hard enough time grasping one of the Duck players using a lasso to rope another player in the second movie, never mind alien ducks playing hockey.


D2 had a litany of crazy moments. I think they show the same footage of a bully getting thrown over a canoe 3 times in the beginning (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o--bA3WK0mw).

Leesha Olivier

Why was this cartoon a Mighty Ducks thing and not a Howard the Duck thing? He was an alien, right?


I watched every single episode of this garbage trash tv show. It was on before Gargoyles, I would’ve watched anything in that time slot.


Very impressive voice cast, even though sounds like most of them were just guest stars.


I’ve been hoping whm would do dead man on campus!


With Ziering voicing in this it have me an idea for a theme month you could try sometime, watch as much of the cast of Melrose/90210 in other movies as you can manage



Christopher French

You guys ought to do an episode on Gargoyles. If not the 5 part pilot (which is really just a single movie if you watch them all back to back) then the highest rated episode, "The Mirror" (S2E5)

Deitrich Tennin

Same as someone above; in my city, this came on before Gargoyles...I refused to miss Gargoyles so I ended up seeing several of these cartoons