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On the first GG entry of the year, the guys learn about the totally idiotic droid, Mr. Bones! How crappy must it have been getting attached to Snap Wexley for so long? How bad does this droid smell with all those animal bones on him? And what in the world is with this vibro-blade? PLUS: We all would've been a lot better off if we just talked about the forgotten Sega Saturn game, Mr. Bones!

Gleep Glossary: A Star Wars Story is a show where the guys try to honor the history and legacy of SW characters, most of whom we've been told don't matter anymore!

Thank you for continuing to support this weird, wild adventure we're on! You make this all possible!

Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro. 



Lono's Oboe

Someone says this every time you guys post something, so it might as well be me this time. I had an exceptionally shitty day and I really appreciate the laughs.


Vi-blader instead of Vibrator

Alexander Farr

The goofy energy that this episode gives off is more than welcome today. If they ever make a film trilogy out of those books, I hope that they use the de-aging cgi so Grunberg can do mo cap. I think the digital creation of him as a child GGberg is both horrifying and on brand for Disney and Star Wars at this point.


He looks like Deadpool or Droidpool or Deaddroid and so on.


Eric says Men have a G spot, I am immediately transported to a scene in my head of Mr Bones loading up his Vibo Knife, repeatedly saying Stay on target, stay on target


You guys have briefly discussed it in the past, but my pro-Grievous stance came from the Tartakovsky Clone Wars shorts (the ones that have been stitched together to make a 2 hourish movie on YT). You won't get an argument from me that he sucks in the prequels, but his appearance in that cartoon is just the distilled cool potential of the character that went unrealized. It's why his animated series maquette still adorns my shelves. In my mind, he kind of quintessentially showcases Lucas' talent for ruining interesting characters


Mr Bones, Mr Bones, how do ya do Mr Bones