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Hey Folks,

As you may or may not know, every December for We Love Movies Month we do a BONUS sized episode of the Nexus covering a Star Trek movie we dig, and this year will be no different. There's so many left, we need your help to figure out what we're gonna do! Please vote below to let us know what you want to hear this December! All votes need to be in by Monday, August 17th at 5PM EST. One vote per person, no mail in ballots will be accepted at this time as the Post Office has been thoroughly dismantled to prevent such convenience.



Nathan Stables

Damn would have LOVED an ep. on The Motion Picture, maybe next time!


I see what happened here. All the classic trek fans got subdivided into the classic films. All the youngsters voted for 2009. If this was ranked-choice voting I bet 2009 would be or close to dead last.