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On the first trip into the Nexus in 2020, the gang is chatting about two spectacularly outrageous episodes of Trek!

First on TOS, it's the spooky episode "Catspaw"! Originally airing October 27th, 1967, this episode features everything you expect in science fiction television: ghosts, a black cat, haunted castles, magic scepters, and an even bigger black cat!

Then on TNG, it's the sort-of silly "Contagion"! First airing on March 18th, 1989, this second season dud features an Enterprise doppelgänger blowing up in our heroes' faces, Geordi flying around the turbo lift and being comically spit out the door, and Data being deactivated and slung over Worf's shoulder like a sack of wet laundry!

PLUS: Marvel at the incredible move of Picard snubbing Wesley when ordering a beverage for himself! Eat shit, Wesley!

The Nexus is a We Hate Movies podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support this weird thing known as WHM! We couldn't do it without you! 

Cover art by the endlessly talented Felipe Sobreiro.




I watched catspaw a few weeks ago and instantly felt bad for the guys having to watch this. Especially Cabin.

Pete Milan

Noah Hawley, y’all. That guy augured Legion into the ground.


Noah Hawley should do a Dr. Doom movie imo. Or just focus on Fargo


Steve mentioned how Kirk calls McCoy Doc instead of Bones. I think this started as a joke in the dungeon when Kirk starts to say Bones but then sees a skeleton and then says Doc instead.


“Get fucking JJ Abrams out of there. I’m tired of that guy fucking things up!” -Andrew Jupin *Best quote in the episode (maybe in the entire universe)*


two pulpy eps, I kinda love it!