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It's that time again! 

Got a burning question for the gang? Write in below and we'll answer it in the Big Daddy Dispatch, coming to you in Early February!

Please be sure to include your first name (as you'd like it to appear in the Dispatch) and where you're writing from.





He Guys, for the show you tend to do a balnce over: -combing though movies with logic and opinion combs -compareing: actor, director, and filmograohy, -do a little improve (swartzenager and picard material lends itself more heavier leaning improve) - writing (write notes to craft good opinions). Do you guys have discussions on what the balance between those four things should be for a podcast or do you just keep it natural and flow with it? ideas of the show - instead of animation damnation you can do sitcom damnation (big bang, seinfeld, frasier), -20 minute improve audio bits for movie characters are in a different movie, (for the four of you, if someone isnt a voice person, they can just play striaght men or you could all play four stormtroopers. (i prefer episodes to improve but just giving you guys idea for grabbing base) - Tristan (Bloomington) Minnesota

Tom Ivers

Tom from Sydney Australia So with recasting 90's classics such as heat with today's actors all the rage on podcasts these days, I'd love to hear you guys flip the script and give me your 70's or 80's casting for once upon a time in Hollywood or the Irishman. Hang on, the 70's casting of the Irishman is exactly the same! Anyway maybe the joker or uncut gems or something. Insert generic comment about loving your work here. (Which I do! 😄)