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Hi! Yes, the stage is coffin-shaped. There are some parts where the cheers are kinda toned down and I think it's a technical issue because it is live but you can hear how loud it is in fancams. The person Jake did a heart with in Polaroid Love is Bang Sihyuk aka Bang PD, the founder of Bighit Music and Hybe. He is also present in ILand part 2 if you can remember. The part where they go near the crowd is really stressful since you'll never know what will happen so I wish they'd end the tour without any major issues during that part. Will look forward to the next part!


yay! 🥳 this was a little hard for me to watch, i have severe PCD, i miss them so much😭 but Pass the Mic is always so loud at festivals and concerts now, i know a few ppl had doubts about it at the beginning (not to mention the unnecessary hate train was when PTM came out) but i’ve always love PTM, it’s a concert song that needs to be blasted and screamed. i feel like i haven’t seen jungwons hair like heeseungs, maybe parted on the side but not like slicked over, i’ve seen his exposed forehead before. that coffin stage is so huge and it lets them be closer to the audience, production of this concert was amazing. manifesto tour i feel like they wanted to keep it simpler and show what they got and getting used to performing in front of their fans. i can’t wait for part 2! and omg jake or sunghoon on lee mujin is a need!!!!

Em Ma

I think you should watch fate plus day 3 in seoul as well to see how much they have improved! Only if you want to and have time tho but that concert literally gave me chills

Em Ma

https://twitter.com/i/status/1762649553486934210 the link for it!