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...One of our all-time most anticipated volumes is in the works for this month! :D

Hope you look forward to not only the next character! but the story that we'll be covering for C-Loud! ;)

~ Next character reveal and dirty topics soon!

*** Choose your first date from the original FF7 below! ^___^ *** (Let's go BARRET!!!)



Out of the options from the original FF7! Haha! xD We'll have a REAL dating poll next time! for you to vote for Jessebelle! ;)


Big Daddy Barret let's go! XD


I work at a hospital and I'm sure this helps people self seclude ;) lucky for my my job is made really easy cause not o w is going to the hospital being all like "my elbow feel funny" lol great job also no Cissnei


Haha! I agree! and I hope you're well too! having to work at the hospital! Are you currently force isolated from work? Or are you still employed given your work?


Oh yeah I'm in the hospital still lol. I'm so jelly that the office workers can work from home. But I'm all good thanks! Now gonna worry about if I get it. Just gonna saver the easy work while it lasts.


Haha, work is work! xD But enjoy the slow time while it lasts! :D Stay safe Lacky! And have yourself a safe and lovely weekend ahead! ^___^