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Hi Guys!

One of the things I love most about writing our works is exploring a character's history and exploiting their strongest and weakest moments of their story! It's emotional moments like these that make our work so much more thought provoking and emotional and adds to that extra level of pleasure to our work! (At least, that's what I love about creating our work! x)

Which of your favourite characters do you think has a high level of depth to their story that you think we can explore? And let me know which scene was it that made you fall in love with the character? :) (The poll below is just for examples! xD)

One of my all-time favourite moments was Sheena Fujibayashi from Tales of Symphonia overcoming the grief from her childhood battle with Volt, as well as the self-sacrifice she made to push Lloyd to save Colette :,) (So much feels!!! ...And that tentacle plant though, amirite? xD #justkiddingilovesheena)

Let me know your favourites in the comments below! :D (The poll is just for examples! xD)



For me its definitely Xion. I was shocked when it was revealed that she was a clone literally built out of Sora's memories, and even though she developed her own body and will she was willing to sacrifice herself for Roxas and Sora's sakes. Her decision just made me believe that was truly was the best character


Zack Fair, The overall impact Zack had in the FF7 was incredible, he was definitely my favorite Final Fantasy character. It's just sad that he had to die to create the future of the FF7 story with Cloud😔

Ivo Robotnik

First Samus. Most Games portray her as this invincable badass Who takes down every enemy. But then we have Moments like the super metroid final boss fight and her confrontations with the SA-X in Fusion. These show that she still has Limits and still she goes in. Fucking love her. 2nd are Dante and Lady in the dmc3 Ending. Both having just lost family and Dante recognizing both his demon and human side, as well as Lady fully realizing his humanity. Then followed by the best credits scene in videogame history.


For me it's Kratos, guy gets betrayed and tricked by everyone at every turn and he doesn't take it lying down. He makes everyone regret going against him. In the new GoW game I liked that he was still distrustful of everyone except his son, but over time grew more trusting of those who genuinely wanted to help and taught his son how not to repeat his mistakes and the mistakes of those he fought against in the past.

Ai Muhao

Hm. For me I guess it'd be Ultraseven of the Ultra series. Over the course of his show he'd get the crap kicked out of him, he'd make mistakes, he's struggle over whether he's actually doing the right thing or not, but he'd still push on in spite of all of it. And unlike many of his fellow Ultras, his body just wasn't able to handle the abuse and all his battle damage messed him up by the time of his final episodes. But he still went out one last time before finally leaving Earth. Nowadays he's a veteran hero; not bad for a guy who originally came to Earth to map the place. I also really, really like Captain Mar-Vell, the original Marvel Comics Captain Marvel. He was an alien Kree who felt Earth didn't deserve to get destroyed or conquered, and tried to protect Earth while being a loyal soldier. But it didn't keep for long, and when his lover was killed in the crossfire he kept that guilt with him for a good, long time. I also like that unlike the modern Carol Danvers Captain Marvel, Mar-Vell routinely came up against opponents who were more powerful than him, but like Ultraseven he would not back down and just kept getting back down no matter how many times he was beaten down. Too bad he's only really famous for being 'the cancer guy' nowadays...


Shrek Jk probably someone from bleach. Or maybe Android 18 she is the real MVP


The Belmont Clan! Nothing tops the level of determination and focus of all the hunters of the night who face darkness without hestitation.


I hope you eventually get into some Fire Emblem characters


Yuuki Terumi from Blazblue. The entire story is because he wanted to be free from Amaterasu, caused the world to spiral into death and rebirth, actually help causing the apocalypse with the death goddess Izanami. The fact that he is the biggest asshole in the universe while trolling all people he comes across, I mean he cuts of a kids arm for fun. Truely a wonderful character. Another character would be Robin/Grima from Fire Emblem Awakening. I love that your own character is also the last enemy to beat. It's almost poetic since in a way Grima won in the original timeline and you had to timetravel to beat him. Which is why I found Grima so cool instead of your normal villian he already won and the only way to beat him is the timetravel trope. Also he commands an army of zombies named risen. All in all love both characters and please for the love of your sanity don't look up the story of Blazblue. While I love the game and story it is complicated as hell most of the time.


Shrek is love though, and Shrek is life <3 (Shrek is definitely inspirational, with the theme being 'dont just whats on the outside and all' x) Bleach?! Yoruichi?! Rukia?! Orihime?! xD So many options! xD (My favourite character is Tatsuki! but unfortunately she's a low tier favourite :,) Just like all my other favourite characters, haha) Android 18 and 21 combo to come in the future! xD Stay tuned for best bubblegum girl action!~


I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to Fire Emblem characters so do suggest all your idea! :D (Right now, Shamir and Tharja are my personal favourites! But Lyn, Lucina and Camilla have been popular recommendations among us here too! :D The more popular the girl the better! Or maybe we can do an all-girl Fire Emblem special too! xD Let me know what you think!)


mai shiranui , i think


Litchi Faye Ling from Blazblue. I love her design and her devotion to cure Arakune.


Lightning without a doubt is my favorite female character ever by miles. First of all need to get this out of the way, her look is goddess tier, freakin pretty. With that said, she doesn't put up to a lot of shit, if she didn't like it she told you about that, she punched Snow for christ sake. She can take care of herself too. She is harsh on the outside but really soft on the inside which make her very human imo. Most of us probably like that too, act all tough and all but in reality we have weak side we want to cover by that act. I can relate to her a lot especially protecting who or what she love. The moment I truly fell in love for her was when she finally cried and asked Snow for help. She knew she fucked up, she admitted her mistake, and show her weakness and how vulnerable she was. And the most important, she can cook good meal lol

Raphael Tan

Zelda from twilight princess. Beautiful and strong princess who doesn't need guards faces the evil
