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Meet this charming couple!
Bunny Sushka and Unicorn Helga!

In a world where there are witches and sorcerers, very few are born with a predisposition to magic. In order to channel this energy and make it more efficient, they use special lanterns (like Iriska and Meridian).

But unicorns are special in this regard, because their kind is very rare, and each of them has magic at birth. Moreover, they don't need special lanterns. Their horn does this function for them.

Considering that in the city where the heroes live, there is a purge and a witch hunt, it is very difficult to be a unicorn, so they have to be as careful as possible.

Helga and Sushka live in symbiosis. Sushka has no magical powers, and it's safe for her to work as a jester in public and earn money for both of them, because Helga has to stay at her house most of the time.
It's hard for Helga to be locked up all the time, she is not very social and her mind is in the clouds, but she dreams of freedom as before. And Sushka loves her very much, take care of her and wants to earn enough money to safely leave this city with her and for her.

Until then, they live their lives together and enjoy the time spent with each other.




They are adorable!


Какаие интересные дизайны и уникальные способности! Здоровский у них симбиоз. Надеюсь Сушка осуществит свою мечту и они с Хельгой обретут свободу!)