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Unfortunately, I haven't had any updates in the last week, and most likely it won't be until the end of the month.
I'm really sorry about that.

I really tried to draw, but emotionally I don't have any strength.

The fact is that this month is very difficult for me. First of all, I will emigrate to another country again and will look for a new home, in the hope that I will be accepted.

Now I'm doing the preparation.
But out of my stupidity, I agreed to bring my mom to visit before leaving. It was my mistake.
We have a difficult relationship with her, but I hoped that by giving her a vacation in another country, I could improve the situation.

I've been getting real emotional abuse for a week now.
I don't want to describe everything in detail.
But the fact is that every day I get Manipulations, passive aggression and gaslighting in my direction.
I'm not talking about the fact that I'm experiencing great difficulties in emigrating and just waiting for a word of support from a parent.
When I told her about it directly, she couldn't give it. And honestly, I don't need it from this person anymore.

I'm just waiting for when I can finally get away from everything and everyone. So I can just do what I love.

P.s. I'm sorry again that I can't give you content right now. I just need time to get out of this. I hope that by the end of the month I will be able to do it.



I'm very sorry to hear. Every child wants to love their parents, but some parents just don't want to improve themselves for their children. I really hope you can find peace with other people you can call your close friends as your family soon if not now.


Take your time. I've had to deal with similar things in my family, it's horribly draining

Anthony Huey

Please take your time to process things and take care of yourself properly. You have a very dedicated and loving community who clearly want the best for you. You won't do your best or be totally happy with your work if other things are bothering you like that. :)


Take all the time you need, we're here for you if you need us

Sans Souci

Boni, your situation is very hard and you don't really need to feel sorry for not "producing". Hope your mother will someday realize she's abusing you and change. But in the meantime, I'm crossing my fingers for you and your happiness.


Hey hey, no need to apologize. We understand you're going through a rough patch. I hope the situation with your mom will be over soon so you can start recovering


Don't sweat: Take the time you need, we will be here.


If I can keep supporting you this way and that makes it possible for you to be the one in control of your life and your decisions, then I'm doing the right thing. Keep your goals in mind and do what you truly value yourself - your values are the path to true happiness. However at the same time change to better requires exactly that - change - if letting go of your mother is the change that needs to be made, then it needs to be done, it could be sad and painful at times, however in the end you are more happy. Otherwise you wouldn't have decided that change is needed. It is similar to moving into a new home. You have memories and things that make you sad for leaving your old but you wouldn't be doing it unless you deemed the new place to be in some way better. Relating to family ties: "Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." means: Friends and acquintances you make during your life are more important than family ties.


Hope things get better for you soon. Take the time you need. Hang in there <3


Family can sometimes be . . . . frustrating.


Hope you're doing well, nothing to apologise for ☺️