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Hey there all! Hope you are doing a-ma-zing!

Kahl here giving you an update on the work Emi and I are each working on.

From my side, I'm sharing with you some stills of the initial blocking I'm working on for the next sex sequence.

Had to create a rig for big boy Dante here before starting the blocking process but it's been well worth it to start seeing him and Kim get to know each other. 🐆🐉

For now, I'm just testing different poses and camera angles in order to understand how it's gonna work. While their size difference is a delight to the eyes, it's also challenging for me to animate. But these dummies are helping me a lot! Even if it's in this primitive process, I'm already starting to visualize the movements and general flow of the actions.

After we decide on the final poses and angles I'll start animating these and work on the key drawings. So I promise there will be more actual animation in the next post ;3

Emi is working very hard gathering all the VA's recordings, adding sound, and editing all the shots to have everything ready for the release of this first part on Friday the 30th! Here's a screenshot of his Premiere timeline which is getting more complex each time. But trust me, he's having a great time! ;3

Thank you so much for your support as always. We are so eager to show you the final result soon!

All our love 💛




One of my favorite things about this project is all of the making of content. It is endlessly fascinating.


Is this a fire breathing dragon? Or maybe like upon exhaling after cumming he let's out a little smoke?

Vetea sienne

Envie de voir ça quand ce sera finis 😋😋😋