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Hey there, sweet creatures! Sorry for the slow posting schedule; really hoping (still) to pick things up in the coming days and weeks. Anyway, if you like today's post, you can thank your Jade+ listener friends -- they voted that the DILF neighbor series should get a sequel, so here we are. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it 😘 

POV: It's evening, and you're just finishing up dinner with your new-ish crush: the hot, flirty DILF who lives a few doors down. But when he asks about an awkward exchange you two recently had, you end up sharing some deep sexual insecurities. Naturally, the enamored gent has a few ideas for how you two can work out the kinks.

CW: This episode portrays a sexual and romantic dynamic between adults across a significant age difference. The listener character is depicted as shy and describes sexual insecurities resulting from mistreatment in past relationships (not graphically described). The speaker character endeavors to "help" the listener character overcome these feelings -- first by encouraging them to reinterpret the physical experience of shyness, and second by making them promise to be forthright about their desires. As the sex scene develops, the speaker character's tone becomes more authoritative and the romantic and sexual dynamic becomes more dominant-submissive. The speaker character sometimes gives specific sexual instructions to the listener character who consensually obliges. The listener character also has moments of taking initiative and being sexually assertive / demanding, though the speaker character is more often dominant. The speaker character insists that they have sex in a well-lit dining room where he can clearly see the listener character. He also repeatedly makes the listener character describe (or "admit") their sexual thoughts and desires, and enjoys the embarrassment that this causes. He boasts about how much he has made (and will make) the listener character orgasm and teasingly praises them as a "horny little slut" (34:58-35:11) for his sexual attention. The pet name "baby" is used throughout the episode. "Sweetheart" and "darling" are also used once (15:58-16:02).

Note that this content is entirely fictional and all sexual acts are simulated. All characters portrayed are 18+ years of age.




Happy Birthday DDA! Very happy you exist and the universe allowed us to know you 🖤


Happy bday wishes to you DDA, may you prosper forever more 🫶🏾