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Attention Institute Personnel! 

We hope you’ve enjoyed our “Star Wars Reimagined Series”. It’s been a fun exercise but with the release of yesterdays video we consider the series to have come to a close. (unless divine inspiration strikes) 

However! As the comment sections have been inundated with questions, we thought it might be valuable to hold a Q&A focused on the events of this alternate timeline. If you have any questions about the series, either how it played out or the inspiration behind its elements, feel free to leave a reply to this post! We have similarly posted this to YouTube community, but questions left here will be given priority when appropriate. 





What is Thrawn/The Empire of the Hand's goal with siding against the First Order? Will they try and take most of the FO's territory as a reward and become a rival power? Or are they just trying to get in the NR's good graces?


What was the most complicated aspect of making the series? And what ideas, if any, were cut from the reimagined factions?

russell marsh

Will you guys do more videos like this or is this a one time thing


I have doubts about Supreme Leader Snoke. Was he still an imperfect Palpatine clone, and that's why his mind and critical thinking abilities seemed to decay so quickly once the war started? Or is he now his own character?


Why did you decide to include Palpatine's revival? It was one of the more contrived parts of the Sequel Trilogy


Is it possible you can do this for other universes, like stargate, star trek, etc? You guys do amazing work and I always look forward to your videos.


The video was well done. However, more visual representations could be made if more videos are created. Something like what Kings and Generals or the Operations room does.


Have so many questions, but I guess this my top question: Why is that you had the First Order had many Sith force users in their ranks and represented during the war, yet you only mentioned the Jedi (I think) only twice, one with Luke's appearance and the second being with Rey's appearance? No other mention of them.


Why not make Sith Eternal/Empire a 2nd galactic superpower alongside Republic? Reimagined format would make for exelent alternate history. Also i am tired every conflict between Republic and Empire leading to complete Republic/Rebel victory.


Was the galaxy aware that the Chancelor and the Supreme Leader were mother and son ?


The wallpaper description mention the Scarif and the video the Endor and Lady Lothal. How many "super" capital ships at Mon Gazza ? that fight soud epic ! And what is Poe Dameron kill count in this reality ? And what of the Supremacy ?


No current questions, but please PLEASE do more stories in this Reimagined timeline. I'd love to see a breakdown of the Lady Lothal, or colabs with Eckharts Ladder or EC Henry where you could create a mapped timeline of the most important battles. So much hard work has gone into this and I can't wait to see more.


While a bit was mentioned about the treatment of occupied populations following Kylo Ren's coup, what was life like in those systems during Snoke's reign? Were there significant resistance efforts on occupied planets, or did the repression of the Sith not start in earnest until post-coup?


Ok I got a last one ! My headcannon is that the Xyston SD are powered in part by sith magic. They would be using the fear of the galaxy to power their superlaser, in a way weaponising the tarkin doctrine. That is also why they look like ISD, there using the most iconic image of the empire. The use of kyber in the superlaser is a nice fit for this. I think it would fit perfectly into your narative. You could also use it to limit the number of active Xyston. Only 9 at a time but a massive supply to replensishe the losses. Sory for my english, and feel free to edit/shorten the question if you want to use it

Patrick Mbahi

Hey when is templin institute doing another stellaris invicta?


Count me in. Please more in depth The First Order/New Republic government, politics, military doctrine how it works and why?


My biggest Question is can please explain more details about the political parties within your New Republic what are their goals, beliefs, differences, pros/cons, and how they different from Canon timeline? If I'm allow more questions they are 1. What happened to Boba Fett criminal empire during your timeline of the sequel trilogy? Did Boba Fett sided with New Republic or First Order? 2. What point of bringing the triumvirate to unknown regions in first place if just end up getting killed at end and how did Snoke get control of 501st? 3. I'm still confused about New republic ranger corp really is, what is their prime mission, how are they organized, and is their a Real World comparison? 4. What was the Chiss Ascendancy doing during your timeline of the sequel trilogy?