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Hello, how are you? i hope all of you have being great

i would like to use this chance to do a small anouncement, for next month im looking to take a break from this site, not the kind im gonna be relaxing but instead to focus on draw and finish as much art i can.

So im not gonna be uploading nothing new next month

I have to be honest, i do have what i consider too many comissions left to do, as well as many other personal projects. and I feel very bothered about it

I being doing my best to draw weekly as much as possible, to keep a sort of schedule, but i just reached a limit, i feel i being lacking the past couple of weeks, like i cant keep the speed and rythim of work and i feel it could turn complicated later.

so the solution i found was just pause this next month and see how it goes.

As a last thing before this break, im gonna be finishing the Yor picture, so wait for it ;D

Once again I really thank you all for the constant support and the help you provide me, I am doing this so I can carry on drawing what we like for a longer time and I hope you understand, thank you so much and sorry for having to do this

Thanks a lot for read, you are the best



Hey no worries! It’s a great opportunity to take a break so that way you can finish on future artworks that you are doing. I will admit I’m getting very excited to see the completed artwork of Yor. I’m wondering if you’re going to do additional variants? XD


Not a problem! We just want you to be happy making art, so if you need to take a break or something like that then go right ahead. :)