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comission by bypasser12345 from DA

context by the comissioner:

This commission was inspired by a true events.

I had recently gotten into Genshin Impact with two friends of mine. The game made a good first impression and we were having a rocking good time.

Than came the time to make our first set of wishes for newer characters. Now this was during an August event that promoted the character Yoimiya. We all thought she looked pretty and, from what we researched, was a pretty good character.

Though the gacha aspects of Genshin Impact quickly revealed themselves and we had to grind for quite a bit of time before we accumulated enough in-game currency for a chance to get the beloved blond archer. Sure we could have spent money but, at this point, we weren’t sure if we wanted to put money into the game just yet.

We agreed to get our wishes one at a time. My first friend and I didn’t pull Yoimiya but we did get Ningguang and Kuki Shinobu respectively, who we ended up liking. My second friend though…pulled Yoimiya on his first try.

Naturally we were jealous and spent the next few days grinding like madmen for another chance to pull  her. Seventy-two hours later and we had yet to pull Yoimiya. All the while our lucky punk of a friend teased us, taunting asking if we were going to spend our hard-earned cash for more chances.

Sure, I could have given into temptation but there was no guarantee to pull the coveted archer. Even than my friend would never live down the moment we spent real world money for her and I knew he’d do so with a Cheshire cat smile on his face.

So rather than give him the last laugh, I found it fitting that Yoimiya be the one laughing instead. At least that was guaranteed.


feel free to leave a comment if you enjoy and feel like it.

as always it wil lbe released later




At long last FINALLY more Genshin content that isn't a YCH ;D but yeah man I'm soooooo unbelievablely happy you got commissioned this as it features two of my Genshin waifus with my TOP one being tickled. Anyway bro the pic looks absolutely stunning I love the lighting as it really makes the characters shine and the colours overall look stunning they all just blend together natally and look suoer vibrant. The shading as well by god its fantastic it really makes the characters look super smooth looking and in turn very professional. Also the background looks amazing the bedroom the three are in looks really done and you can never beat on the bes tickling. Aa for the girls themselves LORD they look sexy, Genshin is very much known for having complex designs and the fact you've drawn them incredibly well despite them being hard to draw shows how talented you are. This also goes for the positions of the characters the way that Ningguang and Kuki are laying on their bellies with the feet in the air look fantastic and very natural looking. Then for best girl Yoimyia the way her knees are bent in is lovely and again looks very natural and speaking of things that are natural. THEIR FEET, god man each girls soles look absolutely astounding man especially Yoimyia's the way her toes are curled and the wrinkles on her soles caused by that look super well drawn. As for the tickling I love how it's Kuki and Ningguang using their hands on her soles and their toes on her armpits. As for the expressions they look fabulous the smug look Ningguang has and the determined look Kuki has fit perfectly in line with the context given! and Yoimyia look like this he tickling is sending her into a gentle crazy state. But yeah as for smaller details I LOVE the nail polish you went with here, the red looks sooooo sexy and the blush on Yoimyia's face is perfect. But yeah bro a really wonderful pic and I hope this leads to may more Genshin waifus in your style.