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Marianne is such a devote person to her faith to the point she overlseep many times, this certainy can affect her performance at the academy, thats somethign  Hilda, 1 of her mates couldnt let happen.

Marianne was told by Hilda to meet her after classes in a private room, aparently Hilda convince her by saying she was gonna use some "Quick and effective relaxing techniques" to make her feel less tired, something that got the attention of the Bluenette.

Onces in the acording room, marianne realized it was a room far from the rest of the dorms, it was clean and nice to but quiet and lonely, she was a bit worried, but after she saw Hilda she felt relieve,

Both sit in a couch that was there and Hilda told her to place her shoes in her lap, Marianne did and inmidatly Hilda started removing her shoes and socks, something that confused the tired girl a bit but she understood why this was happening, HIlda was doing a massage to relax her a bit, or that is what Marianne thougth for how good it felt, little she knew the pink hair gal was just figuring out how soft and ticklish Marianne's feet really were.

After few moments of Massage the pink hair decided to start tickling the bluenette's one making a huge reaction on her, she was super ticklish, even the sligthly movement gave a giggle in her face, this is something that was so funny for HIlda and she didnt stop for a while.

At the end of the day thougth, it seems this helped Marianne to feel better


sorry for the delay in this one, i just wanted to have something nice for you as i find marianne a pretty cute character.

Im so glad i got a chance to work with more Fire emblem characters again

hope you enjoy this and feel free to leave a comment if you enjoy and feel like it.




I like this Victim Box. The pose is cute and the characters are even cuter. Well done.