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When the tease trailer of the game was originally anounce there it was a small description of the protagonist, Shionne has the particularity that she cant touch people because she has a curse that hurts them, so i thougth that would be fun for a great scenario.

 But it was just after i got to play the game myself that the scenario was fully pictured in my mind, Shionne early in the game gets introduced in a bandwagon, she was all handcuffed and unconcious until you interact with her, quiet an unique situation dont you think? 

so i just imaginated " what if before meet here she had an unique interrogation? ", besides, her outfit and her shoes didnt help to make it less apealing to try this XD.


i really suggest you to try to play Tales of Arise whenever you get a chance, its my favorite rpg franchise and i can let you know this one doesnt disapoint at all in my opinion.

hope you enjoy this and feel free to leave a comment if you enjoy and feel like it.




Now this is an absolutely banging set of pictures my guy and now that I'm getting into the series I can appreciate them alot more. Firstly the colours all look fantastic and really are eye catching plus the shading looks absolutely banging as well not to mention super detailed. As for Shionne herself she looks super good I adore the sort of night dress she's wearing and those pink painted toenails are magnificent as are the reat of her amazing looking feet. Also I like the way you've got her bound the cuffs coming down from the roof paired with the rope tied around her ankles is a fantastic combo and very fitting of the series. Also I do see what yoh mean with her outfit overall that dress and especially those shoes don't really leave a lot to the imagination do they. I absolutely adore that you included her shoes in the pics as well it's a detail I always adore seeing in pictures as I feel it makes them come to life so much more. Now the facial expressions across the pictures are perfect I love her unamused look in the first one know that if they touch her it'll backfire. Then in the second one I love her smug look as she laughs at her captor's plan backfire only for her to get a tase of her own medicine when the tickling begins and excellent job on the forth pic she really looks like she's losing it. Also the dialogue in the pictures you did a fantastic job with they pair well with each facial expression and even in that last one while she's getting tickled like mad she still refuses to give up the info. Overall I was an amazing set of pictures and I know you don't always do pictures with different variations so whenever I do see them it's a wonderful surprise, keep up the amazing work and I can't wait to see what's next.


I love how you draw the interrogation, and so great you draw her high heels at her side!