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Final version of previous work ,  same description as before:       

After the "unique " session  with proffesor's assistant Sonia, pokemon trainer Gloria is one step ahead in her personal goal on Galar region, defeat all the pokemon trainers in her way but for females "tickle them all". 

Her next anecdote for her luck didnt wait long, onces she arrived the hotel at piston city she met a particular person, a girl with black outfit and  "unphasing" attitude and face called Marnie, despite her aparence told to Gloria she was gonna be the best, that  statement  certainly intrigued Gloria but that didnt stop her to try to be friendly with Marnie, and to start with the right foot she asked if they can know each other better later onces both have their rooms, wich Marnie accepted.

Now we can see what Gloria had in mind while asking for that and prove if that face Marnie has is for real .


but for now i hope you enjoy this and feel free to leave a comment if you enjoy .




At least it'll help Marnie work on her smile. Maybe she'll return the favor to Gloria one day.


Now this is a fantastic artwork, the colours and shading are again amazing and the background work is also really great, Gloria and Marnie both look excellent especially their feet plus both their facial expressions look great as well I love how Marnie is trying her best not to burst out laughing. I love the focus on toe tickling with Gloria digging her fingers in between her toes also I again adore how you've featured the girl's shoes and socks in the artwork also the context was really good in this one and I really enjoyed it. Overall a fantastic artwork and I love your pokemon stuff it's really good and I look forward to all future pokemon projects that dawn one in particular.


thank you so much, not sure if you realized but this is supose to be an hotel room or something like that XD i think the description migth give a hint for that but it was a bit hard find a good reference for it XD. oh if you personally ask me i would think Gloria is just starting her fun, while Marnie is almost breaking for little touches, details like socks and shoes is something i like to add from time to time its a little enjoyable detail XD. thank you im glad you like it, im gonna do my best to finish the dawn one soon XD


Yeah honestly I had a feeling that it was meant to be a hotel room but wasn't 100 percent sure. And I can definitely see where you're coming from she does seem to be focusing on Marnie's ticklish soles.


actually i had a whole idea of how it will be if gloria tickle the rest of girls of the game but that is a project i dont have time for uwu


Aw that's unfortunate dude 😕 but totally understandable plus we have soo much great content to make up for it anyway 💚💚💚