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Librarian Chan feels really sick.. Janitor step up and take her in the park for a rest..

Seems like he's a nice guy that also kind to other ladies...

Librarian Chan (agreed?) go to Janitor's place for better treatment..?

This week is a bit busy so I can't release all of it.. My holidays are coming soon, I can make it faster~!

I have used shinny skin mode this time, the reflection look so nice but it's not that easy to tune the sharpness of the light... I release the updated version of Librarian Chan~ Please check the mod out in order to activate the skin effect~!

Vanilla Plus Shaders v1.3.1


The fourth scene is still on processing, the release one is just a beta. It will be different when the next part is out~

Scene Data, Character Card, all alternative camera Pictures are below~!



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