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Hello, everyone!

As you know, we've been working on a large, non-TDS related game called Dreambound for awhile now. The demo is finally complete, and it's being released exclusively to Patrons for now.

This game has not been announced publicly yet, so I ask that you keep this on the hush hush for a little while - we plan to announce and release it publicly next month at the same time!

We will also be holding a Kickstarter for this project, which will hopefully be in August. We're still planning rewards, so let us know if there's anything specific you want after finishing the demo.

Let's jump straight into some housekeeping:


  • If you're a content creator, you are free to record playthroughs from this build - but we ask you hold off on releasing any videos on it until it's announced next month.
  • It's okay to talk to your friends about the game, but please try to keep images of the game off of social media for now. We want a big impact when we announce it :D
  • If you find any errors or experience any crashes, please send us a message or email and we'll get it sorted ASAP.

Build 1.0 - The Complete Demo

This build is the complete demo. It has all character sprites, CGs, BGs, and music complete. The only thing not complete is the opening movie, which is still a WIP.


  • Over 20,000 words spanning the prologue and chapter one of the game
  • 5 CGs beautifully drawn by our lead artist, Sinran
  • A bunch of original backgrounds by Anybangchu
  • One complete escape room painstakingly programmed (it was very painful)

We hope you enjoy! 

Windows/Linux build available here! 

Mac build available here! 



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