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Since the main work on porting is finished, I can think about what to do next. I could further develop this game or think about creating its continuation. I could port some other games or create new ones on the RenPy platform or try other promising platforms.

I know that many people would like the scenario of this game to be changed in a certain way. On the other hand, I really would something new, but most likely I will listen to your opinion, dear patrons.

I'll just take a little break and think about it and I'll definitely be back soon.

Thank you all for your support, this work could not be done without you!



Another option is post game, where she can take a train to an entirely different station. And interact with a smaller area


U did a great job with the port, take all the time you need :). As for the future, I would like to see the current project expanded as I always felt like the original game was unfinished. I also would recommend always leaving a download link for just the port of the original (v2.0.7).


I wouldn't mind seeing a Loli for the extermination of molesters ported over.


If you do the Loli for the extermination of molesters please redo the full UI. I didn't even know there was an action button when I tried it and a bunch of buttons have just has two options - should just show the two options to start with. Save space removing buttons that have nothing to say like talking to empty room and thinking empty thoughts. The chaos bar could be much smaller as well.