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Some editing tips and examples below if you're interested.


I won't go into detail about the rest of the workflow since that's mostly already in my guide. These tips also apply to other parts of the image and can probably be done in programs other than Photoshop. If I missed some details you wanted to know about, or if something is not clear let me know.

Change or fix the background:

  • Select the character with the quick selection tool then CTRL + J to duplicate and separate it into a new layer.
  • Make a new layer below the character which will be used for the background.
  • Using a brush with 0% hardness, roughly recolor it. You can keep part of the old one and just remove some of the issues, or completely change it, it's up to you (in the example below I kept it simple). To choose the right colors, it's easier if you use the eyedropper tool on the same image or a similar one.
  • You can change the prompt and add keywords as you see fit, then run it through img2img. See if it worked or if you should go back and change something and try again.

Move arms and hands:

  • Remove the arms and hands using a brush with 0% hardness and recolor the new ones in (you can be very rough this way, if you used a hard brush instead, you would have to be a lot more precise, I think that's because of the way denoising works). So redraw them soft and blurry, this way it can try guessing and a lot of the times it does it right.
  • Add the keywords for the new pose in the prompt.
  • Generate a bunch, choose the best parts of different generations and combine them. I like doing this with the lasso selection tool and cleaning things up with the eraser (also with 0% hardness).
  • See it there's anything wrong and either go back to change it and generate some more, or fix that part later with the same method (the example below only took 2 or 3 attempts).

Relevant Photoshop shortcuts:

  • V: move tool (what you should use by default if you're not doing something else)
  • Space + left-click: move around the image
  • ALT + scroll wheel: zoom in and out
  • B: brush
  • Right-click while using the brush: opens a quick menu to change brush hardness and size
  • ALT + left-click while using the brush: eyedropper tool to pick colors from the image.
  • ALT + right-click + drag mouse left and right: quickly change the size of the brush (also works when using the quick selection tool and eraser)
  • W: quick selection tool (a "Select Subject" option in the bar up top also appears)
  • Holding ALT while using the quick selection tool: remove from selection
  • L: lasso selection tool
  • Holding SHIFT while using the lasso tool: add to the selection
  • Holding ALT while using the lasso tool: remove from the selection
  • E: eraser
  • CTRL + D: deselects entirely
  • CTRL + J: duplicate layer or selection (can also use the usual CTRL + C, CTRL + V)
  • CTRL + Z and CTRL + SHIFT + Z: undo and redo
  • CTRL + T: transform (scale, rotate, etc...)




Thanks for the tips! And I gotta say, the chubbier characters look nice 👀